Mandela really needs your help today to keep him on a path to victory between now and Election Day.

Mandela Barnes for Wisconsin


We didn't want you to miss this headline from NPR:

Key Senate races tighten with a flood of GOP ad spending

Since Mandela became the Democratic nominee in Wisconsin, Republicans have spent $31 million on attack ads against him. And we're worried that all of that spending has taken a toll on our campaign.

Back in August, Mandela was leading Ron Johnson in the polls. Now a poll released earlier this week shows Mandela trailing by one point.

To put it bluntly, we have been significantly outspent and Mandela has lost the lead in this race. And he really needs your help today to keep him on a path to victory between now and Election Day.

So we're asking:

Can you please make your first $3 online contribution to Mandela Barnes today? Your support will determine whether or not we have the resources to win.

This grassroots team is the reason why Mandela has made it this far in this race. Now we need to see this through the homestretch during these critical final weeks before the election.

That's why your contribution today is so important. Thanks for chipping in if you can afford it.

- Team Mandela


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Paid for by Mandela Barnes for Wisconsin

P.O. Box 597
Milwaukee, WI 53201