I wanted to make sure you saw this, John.

I just published an op-ed in the Times of San Diego making it clear that I won’t stop until I have answers for Californians paying outrageous prices at the pump. California oil refineries have provided no clear explanation as to why prices are rising so rapidly in California or how their decisions to slow down production have contributed to increased costs for consumers.
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In case you hadn’t heard, I recently called on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate market manipulation by California refineries leading to the spike in prices that everyday people are struggling with at gas stations every day.

Which reminds me: if you haven’t yet, please add your name to this petition calling for an investigation by the FTC for possible price manipulation by oil companies.

As I make clear in my op-ed, Republicans in Congress aren’t interested in holding big oil accountable. They seem more interested in using high gas prices as a political weapon than anything else.

That’s why we need to hold the House in November and continue to press the fossil fuel industry for answers and hold them accountable for their role in skyrocketing prices at the pump.

Thank you for standing with us, John.

- Mike
