Dear Friend,
I was surprised that at our last debate, my opponent Marie Perez declared her support for a ban on new firearm purchases.
While she pretends to be a “moderate,” there’s nothing moderate about her, especially her public attack on our Second Amendment and your family’s right to defend yourself.
Please help me defeat her by contributing today at [link removed]?.
Here’s the irony: She’s bragged about owning the same so-called “assault rifle” that she wants to ban Americans from purchasing.
This is typical of the left: they want you disarmed and vulnerable but would never allow themselves to suffer the same.
She wants to take away the rights of millions of Americans, including members of our military, to protect themselves and their families, all while she owns the same rifles she would ban us from purchasing.
Make sure a hypocrite like my opponent Perez doesn’t get anywhere near elected office by donating at [link removed].
Let me make clear to you my stance on the Second Amendment: I understand the meaning of “shall not be infringed.” Unlike my opponent, I will be a warrior for the Second Amendment and am proud to be endorsed by Gun Owners of America.
Joe Kent
PS: We can’t let this seat slip into the hands of a gun-grabber like Marie Perez. Polls have us only a few points apart, please help me get across the finish line with a donation at [link removed]!
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