Good afternoon friend,



I’ve got some good news. Thanks to your support and the incredible campaigning from our supporters in Scotland, the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill secured the support it needed to be formally introduced into the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday, receiving double the number of signatures needed to progress. 


Support is growing in the Scottish Parliament. MSPs are realising that the current law is unjust and causes anguish to dying people and their families. This is a significant shift and a testament to the incredible efforts being made to campaign for change. 


A law in Scotland could prove enormously motivating for MPs in Westminster. This is not a separate fight - we have to work together to drive law change across the UK. Change in Scotland would be monumental progress. And you have the power to help. Please, join Dignity in Dying as a member today and play your part in making history. 



The stars are aligning - this is the right bill at the right time. It could well be the bill that changes the law in Scotland. But we cannot be complacent. Opponents are nervous and already rallying their troops - and they won’t hold back. Anti-choice activists have deep pockets and powerful allies and they’ll use them. But together we can beat them and change the law. Your support will help us stay on the front foot, run a winning campaign and make history.  



It’s Dignity in Dying members who got us here and it’s members that will take us over the finish line. Please join Dignity in Dying today and be part of the team that will change the law.  


There are challenges and opportunities coming down the track. Thank you in advance for making sure that we can meet them head on. Together we will change the law. 


Keep up the fantastic work. 


All the best, 


Sadie Kempner

Dignity in Dying


P.S. Law change in Scotland is the next step and we have to work together to achieve change across the UK. Please, join as a member today.



Our campaign is powered by members - people who support us with a small regular gift so we can plan out the most effective actions to bring about an assisted dying law. Sign up and join thousands of other Dignity in Dying members across the country, from just £2 a month:


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