I am writing today to ask you to add your name to say you endorse Mandela Barnes' campaign for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. But first, I hope you will give me a chance to explain why I'm coming to you with this request at this moment.

Hi John -

I am writing today to ask you to add your name to say you personally endorse Mandela Barnes' campaign for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. But first, I hope you will give me a chance to explain why I'm coming to you with this request at this moment.

Flipping Wisconsin's Senate seat and defeating Ron Johnson is going to require a grassroots effort larger than Wisconsin has ever seen.

So today, Mandela Barnes needs your help to send an unmistakable message about the strength of the movement he's building to send Ron Johnson packing in November.

Mandela doesn't have much time left to build a winning campaign, and he cannot beat Ron Johnson alone.

Defending the Senate majority depends on what happens in Wisconsin. That is why I am asking you today:

Add your name to say you support Mandela Barnes' campaign for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. Together we can expand the Senate majority and defeat Ron Johnson.

Right now, Mandela is up against Ron Johnson's mega-donors and millions of dollars in Republican outside spending. They have unlimited amounts of money, and they are using it to try to take down Mandela's campaign and protect this Senate seat.

While they may have the money, Mandela has the people. And as long as he can count on people like you to stand with him in his race, he is going to win in November.

In Wisconsin, Democrats have a huge opportunity to flip a Republican-held Senate seat. But the only way it will happen is if people like you are involved in this race.

So I am asking you one more time:

Can you add your name today to say you endorse Mandela Barnes' campaign for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin? He needs people like you involved in order to run a successful campaign.

Adding your name as a personal endorser of Mandela's campaign is a small but meaningful action that helps send a powerful message about the grassroots strength behind his campaign. Thank you for signing up today.

All my best,
