John -

One of the things I do for Team Blaha is get receipts out for our refundable $50 donations.

In Minnesota, every adult can give a contribution of $50 or more to a state level race each year and the state will refund the first $50 of the contribution. It’s how we reduce the influence of big money in our politics and keep things grassroots.

Will you take this easy step to help power Julie’s campaign by making a refundable $50 donation today? We’re counting on you.

Here’s why it’s critically important to have your support now: The latest polling in our race show’s that Julie has a very tight lead and 18% of people haven’t made up their mind about our race yet.

That means we need every dollar we can get to reach undecided voters.

Please, make your contribution of $50 or more today!

Thank you,

Burke Spizale
Minnesotans for Julie Blaha




Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States