"City leaders are right in the middle of the challenges we all face," said Mike this week as he opened Bloomberg CityLab 2022 in Amsterdam. And "the mayor's job" is to share new ideas and open people's eyes to what’s possible.
That was the spirit of this year's CityLab summit, which brought together more than 500 city leaders, experts, innovators, and artists from around the world. Over two days, October 10-11, conversations covered urgent issues like extreme heat, the war in Ukraine, and pandemic response; powerful opportunities like cycling infrastructure, public art, and immersive nature in cities; and forward-looking innovations like data analytics, crypto, the Metaverse, and more.
Read below to learn more about our announcements at Bloomberg CityLab 2022, and to explore the panel discussions.

Increasing bike ridership is a great way for cities to cut carbon emissions and other air pollution, reduce traffic congestion, and add mobility choices for residents. To help cities reimagine and expand cycling networks, we launched the Bloomberg Initiative for Cycling Infrastructure, or BICI. BICI will provide 10 cities with funding to support innovative cycling infrastructure proposals, as well as technical assistance for implementation, cycling facility design, data collection, resident engagement, and other best practices.

Also announced at CityLab,19 European cities will receive Asphalt Art Initiative grants to undertake projects in 2023 that use art and design to improve street safety, revitalize public spaces, and engage the residents of their communities. Watch the video to learn about the newly selected cities, including Athens, Helsinki, Istanbul, Madrid, Zagreb, and more, and see how Asphalt Art has already transformed public spaces in London, Amsterdam, Baltimore, and other cities.
What does a Chief Heat Officer do? How are cities working to support mental health? What is a mayor’s role when war is being waged next door? The CityLab panel discussions this week covered those topics and more. Click to watch any of the sessions below.
Day 1
Mike's Welcome | Public Trust in the Digital Age | Norman Foster on Cities' Great Opportunity | A Message from the Mayor of Kyiv | Cities in the Age of Protest | Cities vs. Extreme Heat | When the War is Next Door | Waterproofing Cities | Urban Cures for Mental Health | Walking With Amal

CityLab participants join "Little Amal" for a walk through Amsterdam. The 12-ft puppet of a 10-year old refugee has traveled the world to raise awareness about young people displaced from their homes. In a panel discussion, Amal's creators spoke about the ambitions of their project and the impact it's had. Watch now →
Day 2
Facing History to Move Ahead | Crypto and Your City | Cristo and Jeanne-Claude's Final Project | Cities and the Metaverse | What is a Mayor's Wartime Duty? | Public Health After the Pandemic | Immersive Nature in Cities | Chief Data Officers Meet the Moment | Innovation Capital | Rebuilding the Visitor Economy | A Dynamic Public Sector
Mayors and local leaders will take what they've learned at Bloomberg CityLab 2022 and continue to collaborate to solve issues and create better cities. "Whether it's responding to COVID-19 or a humanitarian crisis or climate change, mayors don't walk alone," said Mike. "There is now a global network to help them find ideas and insights. And CityLab really does lie at the heart of that."
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