The American Mind's Weekly Digest
A Phone Call from President Trump
Thomas D. Klingenstein
I received a call from President Trump recently. He does not know me from Adam. We had never spoken. Trump had phoned to congratulate me on a speech I called “Trump’s Virtues,” words that he probably rarely sees in partnership.
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The Specter of “Fascism”
Daniel J. Mahoney
As Paul Gottfried argues in his fine recent book Antifascism: The Course of a Crusade, antifascism has become little more than the opium of intellectuals who cannot abide democracy marked by due respect for the good sense of the people and the salutary inheritance of Western civilization.
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Dr. Strangeleft
Ft. Michael Anton, Dave Reaboi, and Kyle Shideler
The new Current Thing™ update has dropped: NPCs have been reprogrammed to believe that not only are nukes not that bad, but a nuclear war wouldn’t be bad either. It might even fight climate change! Intellectual Leftists are now also making the case that “aborting” babies after they are born should be allowed. Is this the next slippery slope we slide down? Meanwhile, the Left increasingly believes that democracy is the implementation of their preferred policies, and anyone who opposes their goals is at best a “semi-fascist”. Ryan and Seth, joined by a triple threat of great conservative minds: Michael Anton, Dave Reaboi, and Kyle Shideler, discuss.
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