Dear John,

I hope you and your loved ones are a having a happy holiday season! As we talked about in last week’s email, Will asked if I would be willing to share with you one of the most powerful stories from 2019—a story that supporters like you made possible and that illustrates the essential work CPC is doing to free individual workers from corrupt unions throughout our state. 

It’s the story of Stephen Nichols.

Stephen is a father first—everything else comes second. After his son was born with mental disabilities, Nichols knew that his life had changed. Stephen’s son, unable to work, accepted assistance from the state. Stephen registered to be his son’s full-time home health care provider and made his life fully in service of his son. 

It was not long before Stephen received notice from the Home Health Care Providers Union that he was required to join a union and that he owed dues—dues that were to be deducted going forward from his paycheck without his consent! 

When Stephen tried to opt-out, the union responded that his membership was a condition of his employment. Stephen just wanted to care for his son but was now forced to fund a union that had inserted itself into his household. 

After the Janus decision at the Supreme Court, Stephen again attempted to opt-out and was met with a notice that he had missed the brief window for which the union was accepting opt out requests. The union had decided that his constitutional right only existed within their own purview.

Thanks to your support, CPC is fighting for Stephen to be free from a union he never wanted to join in the first place. Attorneys with the California Policy Center recently filed a complaint against the union for a violation of Stephen's First Amendment rights under the Janus decision. 

CPC will continue to fight for folks like Stephen this upcoming year. And we won’t stop working for the people of California until our state is completely free from the grip of corrupt unions. With your partnership and support, you can help stand with Stephen and CPC for a better California by contributing now.
Thank you for your support and have a Merry Christmas!
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