From The Union <[email protected]>
Subject Important Takeaways from the Ninth Jan 6th Hearing
Date October 14, 2022 1:27 AM
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Trump’s criminal culpability for Jan. 6th related crimes

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The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol ([link removed]) met today for its final hearing. The committee plans to publish a final report before the end of the year. In its eight prior hearings the committee heard testimony and provided evidence that Donald Trump led a vast criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election that began before election day and culminated in the bloody and deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Trump continues to be a clear and present danger to American democracy. He faces the following possible criminal charges:
* Corruptly attempting to stop an official proceeding of Congress — fake electors and the Electoral vote count.
* Seditious conspiracy — for planning to overturn the 2020 election.
* Witness tampering — for attempting to influence testimony before the Jan. 6th committee.
* Wire fraud — for fundraising based on stolen-election lies.

These crimes are in addition to possible obstruction of justice and espionage charges related to documents, including hundreds of government secrets, he stole and concealed from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), FBI, and National Archives.

Since the last hearing, the DOJ issued dozens of subpoenas to former Trump aides, seized electronic devices, and conducted searches for its own investigation into the insurrection.

We heard more evidence today about Trump’s culpability for the January 6th insurrection and the complex web of criminal activity that he set in motion prior to the November 2020 election in his desperate attempt to cling to power.

A premeditated plan to declare victory no matter what: Evidence presented today showed a months-long plan Trump concocted to declare victory on election night, even though all votes would not have been counted, and calling for the vote counting to halt.

Declare victory before all votes are counted ([link removed])

Roger Stone called for violence before the 2020 election: Trump acolyte Roger Stone is seen in documentary video calling for violence before the 2020 election and encouraging Trump to declare victory no matter what. Later when testifying under subpoena, he is seen taking the 5th.

Roger Stone “Let’s get right to the violence” ([link removed])

Trump admits loss to Biden: We saw new witness testimony today that Trump knew he had lost to Biden but continued to falsely make claims that the election had been stolen from him as he relentlessly raised money for his PAC by continuing his assault on our democracy.

Trump knew he lost ([link removed])

With his election loss in mind, Trump orders troop withdrawal: On November 11, 2020, Trump ordered the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Somalia. Knowing he’d lost, it was a reckless, unplanned scramble to secure some foreign policy legacy as he left office. Pentagon leadership urged White House officials to change Trump’s mind.

Trump ordered unplanned troop withdrawal after his election loss ([link removed])

Trump enraged about Supreme Court loss: Throughout November and December 2020 Trump tried more than 60 times to challenge his election loss in court. In December 2020, he appealed one case involving Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin to the U.S. Supreme Court. The former president was enraged after the Court refused to hear the case telling aides it was his last chance of success in the courts. He wanted to conceal the loss as he continued to tell his stolen-election lies.

Trump tried to hide Dec. 2020 Supreme Court loss ([link removed])

Texts and emails reveal Secret Service knew rioters were heavily armed: Secret Service communications obtained by the committee showed that the agency was aware of the danger posed by the rioters Trump had summoned to Washington on Jan. 6. The agency also knew that groups like the Proud Boys believed that they had enough people and weapons to overwhelm the U.S. Capitol Police.

Secret Service knew in advance of danger posed by Jan. 6th rioters ([link removed])

Trump repeatedly tried to join the mob at the Capitol on Jan. 6: Evidence presented at today’s hearing filled in more detail about Trump’s intense desire to go to the Capitol on Jan. 6. He wanted to speak to his rioters as they stormed the building hunting Mike Pence and congressional leaders. Earlier reports of a violent encounter with his security detail after his speech on the Ellipse, and deleted Secret Service texts, have added to the intrigue.

Trump tries to go to the Capitol on Jan. 6 ([link removed])

Pelosi and other Congressional leaders stepped up as Trump stepped back: In prior hearings we saw video of the Capitol attack as it occurred outside and inside the building. Today, we saw video of congressional leaders as they worked with Pentagon, DOJ, and other officials to retake control of the Capitol.

Previously unseen video of congressional leaders on Jan. 6 ([link removed])

Jan. 6th committee subpoenas Trump: Citing its obligation to fully investigate the events surrounding the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, the committee voted to subpoena former President Trump.

Trump subpoenaed in Jan. 6th investigation ([link removed])

Related - Extremist groups target January 6th witnesses: Prodded by Trump’s vitriolic rhetoric, extremist groups have been attracting attention for threatening witnesses who testified at prior committee hearings.

Extremist groups threaten Jan. 6 witnesses ([link removed])

Related – Trump tweet energized rioters: The trial of several members of the Oath Keepers is underway in Washington, D.C. Testimony in that trial revealed that Trump’s Dec. 19 “will be wild” tweet calling his mob to Washington on Jan. 6 energized extremists and set up the violence that would occur at the U.S. Capitol.

Trump energized Oath Keepers with tweet ([link removed])

Today’s committee meeting filled in detail about Trump’s state-of-mind and his actions surrounding the insurrection. We are all left with the sobering realization that had Donald Trump simply obeyed his oath of office and followed the law none of this would have happened.

But it did. And he continues to attack our democracy with his lies and violent rhetoric.

Thank you for being a volunteer with The Union. Just 26 days remain in our fight to preserve and protect the democracy that Donald Trump continues to try to destroy.

There is no time to waste. Your work to get-out-the-vote is making a difference!


The Union

The Union is a single issue, pro-democracy coalition. While the Union is supported in its launch by The Lincoln Project and the reach of their 7 million followers, we are an independent, volunteer-driven, self-organizing force of people, partners, and actions aligned in defense of our democracy.

PAID FOR BY THE LINCOLN PROJECT, ** ([link removed])
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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