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** 2019 End of the Year Recap
Dear Colleagues –
During the holiday work period, I want to thank you for your engagement with the New Democrat Coalition. We have accomplished a lot in 2019! I wanted to share with you highlights of the Coalition’s work last year. And if this message is a little long, there’s a reason…. We had a lot of highlights!
The New Democrat Coalition (NDC) hovers around historic highs with 103 total Members and 41 Freshman Members. Our record-breaking membership makes us the largest ideological House caucus, and New Democrats make up more than forty percent of the Democratic Caucus and two thirds of the freshman class.
The NDC is united around a set of common priorities that focus on growing the economy, embracing innovation, and promoting smart and fiscally responsible government. NDC Members are committed to progress and governing. We believe leaders of both parties should work together to find commonsense solutions for the American people.
We are laser-focused on growing the economic pie and creating jobs in every part of this country. Folks in every zip code should have economic opportunity – whether they live in urban areas, suburbs, or rural America. Whether engaging on infrastructure, the future of work, or other issues, our coalition is leading the effort to create greater economic opportunity for more Americans across the nation.
This Congress, I am humbled to work with a talented 11 Member leadership team ([link removed]) . We have eight active policy task forces with 31 Members serving as co-chairs ([link removed]) . All of the task forces have pushed forward bold ideas and innovative solutions through the development of policy principles, NDC-wide bill endorsements, and advocacy within committees and the caucus. Read more for a full list of the NDC-endorsed bills and priorities ([link removed]) .
The House has passed nearly 400 bills this Congress and more than 275 of those bills are bipartisan. Several NDC-endorsed bills and policy priorities have passed the House as standalone items or been included in landmark legislative packages. NDC members have led the way on many of those bills (and have their fingerprints on a whole lot of them). And the NDC will continue to push the Senate to take up this important legislation. As we head into 2020, the NDC remains committed to pushing for bold, innovative, and durable solutions to some of our nation’s greatest challenges.
More on the NDC in 2019 below:
On Health Care
Our constituents elected a Democratic majority in the House. They chose candidates who stood strongly in support of protecting individuals with pre-existing conditions and bringing down the cost of health care. Now that we are in the House Majority, New Dems are following through on these pledges and have taken decisive action to build on the success of the Affordable Care Act to tackle rising health care costs. In the greatest country on the planet, people shouldn’t go broke when they get sick or are injured.
The ACA saves lives, has expanded coverage to millions of Americans, and has protected coverage for millions more. The NDC is focused on durable solutions that will strengthen our health care system, increase access, and improve affordability. The NDC has also worked diligently to lower the costs of prescriptions for the American people. Earlier this Congress, the NDC endorsed a package of bipartisan prescription drug bills ([link removed]) to increase transparency, competition, and affordability. The NDC has advocated to move forward these and other measures that have a pathway to becoming law. New Dem Members also pushed for many important provisions that were incorporated into H.R. 3, ([link removed]) including reinvestment of savings in biomedical innovation, expanding Medicare services for seniors,
helping combat opioid addiction, increasing access to healthcare in underserved areas, and countless other provisions. New Dems also urged House leaders to prioritize strengthening and expanding on the ACA ([link removed]) to continue the path toward affordable universal coverage. The NDC has endorsed and supported a number of bills ([link removed]) to advance this effort and looks forward to building on this work through the legislative progress of our Members.
On Infrastructure
The NDC believes there is an opportunity to reach a bipartisan agreement on a transformational infrastructure package. NDC Members sent a letter to President Trump ([link removed]) urging him to work with Congress on comprehensive, bipartisan legislation to bring America’s infrastructure into the 21st century. Modernizing America’s aging physical and digital infrastructure, including broadband, is essential to creating jobs, spurring economic growth, and increasing our global competitiveness. Because it is one of the most immediate ways Americans interact with their government on a daily basis, we must work across the aisle to rebuild, repair, and expand our nation’s infrastructure.
In building on the Coalition’s Four Pillars for an Infrastructure Deal ([link removed]) from last Congress and formulating our infrastructure priorities for this Congress, the NDC launched a listening tour around the country ([link removed]) . The NDC is working internally and with our colleagues on both sides of the aisle to find consensus on how to pay for an infrastructure proposal so we can meet the expectations of the American people and deliver on our promise.
On Trade
The NDC is committed to maintaining the United States’ position as a global leader and supports smart trade policy that benefits American workers, businesses, farmers, and consumers. Since its founding, the NDC has been integral to the congressional consideration of every major trade initiative, including the recently passed and NDC-endorsed United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) ([link removed]) . This updated trade deal comes after the release of NDC-endorsed NAFTA 2.0 priorities ([link removed]) , which advocated for the modernization of NAFTA to better reflect the global economy, and to better serve the interests of American workers, farmers, and businesses. The NDC has also spoken out ([link removed]) against the President’s unilateral
tariff actions that circumvent Congressional oversight and authority. These tariffs undermine our relationships with our allies and the global rules of trade first established by the United States.
The House also passed New Dem-endorsed legislation to support American workers and small businesses ([link removed]) . The bipartisan United States Export Finance Agency Act of 2019 ([link removed]) , which reauthorizes and expands the Export-Import Bank for ten years, would finance the export of American-made goods from companies nationwide, including those having trouble accessing private markets for export financing. In a bipartisan deal struck with the administration and the Senate, a seven-year reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank was included in the Fiscal Year 2020 appropriations package with our support.
On the Future of Work
As advancements in technology and artificial intelligence continue to impact our economy and the nature of work, it is vital we have policies that empower workers to navigate economic change – rather than to be victims of it. The Future of Work Task Force is building on the work from last Congress’ Economic Opportunity Agenda: A Future that Works ([link removed]) .
The NDC, led by Freshman Leadership Representative Chrissy Houlahan, led the effort behind Congressional Startup Day ([link removed]) this year to bring awareness to the entrepreneurial activity across our nation.
The Future of Work Task Force Co-Chairs passed a provision within the Labor-HHS appropriations package urging the Bureau of Labor Statistics ([link removed]) to measure labor trends and conduct the contingent worker survey, which measures people in non-traditional work arrangements because it’s important to have access to the most accurate data on how these trends are affecting American workers. New Dems advocated ([link removed]) for the retention of this language in the conference report and were successful in securing language requiring BLS to collect data on contingent and alternative work as part of the FY20 spending package signed into law in December.
On Housing
NDC Members know affordable housing is paramount to the economic security of American families. That’s why the NDC hosted a public forum with two panels of experts to discuss measurable solutions to address America’s housing crisis. More on the ecosystem of the housing market today ([link removed]) and how housing supply is not meeting demand ([link removed]) . Building on last Congress’s Millions of Missing Homes ([link removed]) Report, the NDC announced the endorsement of four pieces of housing legislation ([link removed]) to help combat our nation’s housing shortages. Read more in Time Magazine
([link removed]) .
On Climate Change and the Environment
Climate change is an existential threat to the health, national security, economic prosperity, and future of our people and planet. NDC seeks to foster a pro-climate agenda that would meet the targets set by the Paris Climate Agreement. Prior to Climate Week 2019 at the U.N. General Assembly, the NDC released its Principles for US Climate Policy ([link removed]) , a pathway to urgently address climate change, and endorsed its first slate of twelve bills ([link removed]) – seven of which are bipartisan – to take actionable steps towards achieving the New Dem goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. The NDC was the first major caucus to outline a comprehensive climate change plan this Congress and our priorities and legislative package endorsement were met with support ([link removed]) by
House Leadership, Members of Congress, and industry leaders and stakeholders. Read more in The Guardian ([link removed]) , Bloomberg Law ([link removed]) , and POLITICO ([link removed]) .
In a strong show of unity, the New Democrat Coalition joined the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC) and the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) ([link removed]) in leading 166 members to call for the inclusion of clean energy tax policies in must-pass legislation for 2019. Progress was made on several of these priorities in the FY 2020 appropriations package.
Earlier this year, The House passed the NDC-endorsed H.R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act ([link removed]-) to recommit the U.S. to the Paris Climate Agreement. In beginning withdrawal from the agreement, the administration has ceded America’s role as a global leader. New Dem Members also supported legislation ([link removed]) to expand research and innovation to understand and address ocean acidification and coastal community vulnerabilities ([link removed]) , which are driven in large part by climate change.
On the Border Crisis
Our national values demand we ensure our government is working for the people. NDC has taken action to help prevent the needless loss of another child, or any individual, in the custody of our federal government. New Dems were proud to endorse Rep. Raul Ruiz’s H.R. 3239 ([link removed]) , the Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Custody Act, which would establish basic humanitarian standards of care for individuals in CBP custody. This bill passed the House.
New Dems were also proud to support the House passage of H.R. 6, the Dream and Promise Act ([link removed]) , which provides permanent status and a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) recipients.
On National Security
Ensuring the safety and security of our country and all Americans is a fundamental responsibility of Congress. The NDC, led by National Security Task Force Co-Chairs Brendan Boyle, Anthony Brown, Brad Schneider, and Abigail Spanberger ([link removed]) , released national security principles for a smart, comprehensive national security strategy to keep Americans safe and advance our interests at home and abroad. Composed of four pillars, the National Security Principles ([link removed]) aim to promote the safety and prosperity of Americans and recommit the United States to its role as a global leader and key player in the creation and maintenance of a productive world order. Read the one-pager ([link removed]) and full principles document
([link removed]) .
To protect American interests, the NDC endorsed The Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 ([link removed]) , which passed the House. The legislation reauthorizes the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) and aims to keep terrorism insurance coverage affordable and accessible, giving American communities the financial security and peace of mind that we will stand behind them in the event of a tragedy.
NDC Members supported the House passage of the National Defense Authorization Act ([link removed]) (NDAA), which authorizes the funding needed for a strong, smart national defense strategy. Coalition member Adam Smith serves as chair of the House Armed Services Committee and led the effort on this important legislation. NDC also encouraged the State Department to assess critical vacancies ([link removed]) . Specifically, the NDC requested the expansion of a Government Accountability Office (GAO) study on the impact of personnel vacancies on our country’s national security and foreign policy objectives.
On Technology & Artificial Intelligence
America is constantly being shaped by the evolving nature of technology, automation, and artificial intelligence. The NDC is committed to helping guide Americans through these innovations and ensuring they are equipped for our rapidly advancing technological world. The NDC, led by our leadership team and the Technology Task Force Co-Chairs Sharice Davids, Kendra Horn, Harley Rouda, and Darren Soto, endorsed a legislative package ([link removed]) focused on promoting innovation in technology and artificial intelligence, and the development of a national data transparency and privacy policy. Read more in Bloomberg ([link removed]) , POLITICO
([link removed]) , and The Hill ([link removed]) .
On the Integrity of our Elections
Our nation’s free and fair elections are a cornerstone of American democracy. Restoring and defending the integrity of our election security and voting rights is of paramount importance, which is why the NDC endorsed H.R. 1 ([link removed]) – the For the People Act, NDC Vice Chair Sewell’s H.R. 4 ([link removed]) – the Voting Rights Advancement Act, and a package of New Dem-led bills ([link removed]) to do just that. I was proud to join with other leading House Democrats, also introduced The Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy (SHIELD) Act
([link removed]) , which included provisions endorsed by the Coalition.
These bills are designed to better protect our elections by protecting voting rights for all Americans, curbing foreign influence, increasing transparency, and ensuring accountability through various reforms and regulations.
As you can see, we’ve made a lot of progress in 2019 – and we are well-positioned for impact in 2020!
Thank you for your continued engagement with the New Democrat Coalition. We look forward to continuing our work to advance these and other key priorities for the American people.
Have a terrific, restful holiday season. Get recharged because we’ve got a lot to do in the New Year!
Sincerely yours,
Derek Kilmer
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New Democrat Coalition . 1410 Longworth House Office Building . 15 Independence Ave Se . Washington, DC 20515-0001 . USA