This past Thursday, I had what appears to be the first and only in person candidate forum with my opponent, State Representative Delia Ramirez. She has refused to participate in any future debates or forums, which is an unfortunate disservice to the hardworking families of the 3rd District. Elected officials and those seeking to be a representative of the people should always be available to their constituents and answer the tough questions. Delia Ramirez has failed at this.

I encourage everyone to watch the LWV Candidate Forum (link below) and see us debate the serious issues facing our district. It is clear (after the LWV Forum) that I am the right candidate to represent the 3rd District. My opponent showed just how extreme and out of touch she is with our district. People are tired of politicians that dance around questions and bend truths like my opponent.

We are now 25 days away from the election. After my strong performance at the candidate
forum and the attention we are receiving across the district, this race is getting closer, but I
cannot do it without you, and I need your help.

If you were ever thinking about donating, now is the time. We need help getting more signs and advertisements as we make our final push to November 8th.

I got into this race to be the voice for the voiceless and represent everyone. I have been a
grassroots campaign from the start and a $30-$50 goes a long way. If everyone on this email donated $30, we would have more than enough to make a big impact. Let’s make a strong push to victory these last few weeks.

The silent majority will have a voice again! Together, we will show the Washington elites that Delia’s brand out of touch extremism does not represent the people of the 3rd District.

Thank you for your trust support!
Justin Burau
3rd Congressional Candidate
Follow me on social media!
Paid for by Justin Burau for Congress