Folks -- 

We just ran the numbers, and we’re currently 1,835 donations short of where we were at this point before our last FEC deadline.

That’s a problem because we’re counting on grassroots donations from Democrats across the state and country to help us raise more than $500,000 online to flip this Senate seat in Colorado next year.

Our campaign just scheduled a budget meeting in early January where our leadership is going to make some critical decisions regarding advertising, field budgets and staffing, so it’s really important we hit this goal and raise as much money from grassroots donors as possible.

The FEC deadline is just days away. Can John and our amazing team count on you to make a contribution of $10 (or more) to our campaign before we run out of time?

The truth is, John is leading in the latest poll of this race and the investments we make in the coming weeks will determine whether or not we can win this election and flip Colorado’s Senate seat blue.

That’s why this year-end FEC fundraising deadline is our most important test yet, and why your donation matters so much to our team. Thanks in advance.

— Team Hick