I swear, John, every time I look, Mitch McConnell and his cronies have increased their spending in Nevada's race that will decide Senate control!

Case in point: In the short time since Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto sent you this urgent update, McConnell's super PAC has already poured millions into another round of vicious attack ads to defeat her. And now Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight has increased our chances of losing!

Failing to respond in Catherine's defense NOW could cost us this race and our Democratic Senate majority, so I'm sounding the ALARM and personally asking YOU to rush support: Send $5 or more to fight McConnell's lies, protect Nevada and keep the Senate blue!

We can't afford to have a single Democrat sit this one out. Don't let me down, John!

James Carville

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Catherine
Date: Wed, Oct 12, 2022
Subject: this can't wait