From Recovery to Representation

Hi John,

I’m Joanna Vance. I'm running for House of Delegates in southern West Virginia. Let me tell you a little about my life and the district I have lived in and want to represent. 


I grew up in Boone County, WV. My parents suffered from substance use disorder and I lost my father to an overdose on Thanksgiving day 2004. Generational curses are hard to break, I spend the next 10 years battling my own substance use and mental health disorders. I found recovery on March 13th 2016. Today I wear many hats; I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, ally, and coach. I work as a community organizer for economic justice. The projects I engage with range from grassroots issues all the way up to working with elected officials and forming policy to improve our state.
I know what's plaguing us and I know what needs to be done to fix it!

Oceana WV

My story isn’t unique. The opiate epidemic has hit southern West Virginia hard as many of us know too well. Boone County saw rates of opioid deaths 5 times the United States average in 2021. That isn’t just lost lives, the loss of our people tears at the fabric of our community. What policy makers continue to do clearly isn’t working. We have to do better!


Believe it or not my part of West Virginia was blue until recently. When the unions were strong and the safety net took care of folks during the lean times my neighbors reliably turned out for democrats.


Today we have been deprived of essential services. There aren’t many job opportunities in the district. For many, transportation is a challenge. Getting to places like grocery stores or doctors offices for the basics can be an obstacle. 


This Cycle has been incredible, due to my and my team's hard work, I have gone from a relatively unknown candidate to one of the most watched races in my state.
Even still, I am asking for your assistance. My team needs door hangers, signs, and ads to reach the voters of the 43rd district. We need $1500 for a final batch of mailers and preparing for GOTV. We need donations to keep this movement going. 

Can you chip in $10 or more to help us reach these goals?

I appreciate you being part of the progressive movement, and will not let you or the people of my district down. 

Thank you for your support,
Joanna Vance

Democratic Nominee

West Virginia House of Delegates 43