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I’ve said it over and over, John: Our democracy is on the line in this election.

We simply cannot afford to sit on the sidelines.

In July, we announced our first 14 Democracy Defenders, candidates running for important statewide offices who will serve as firewalls to the anti-democracy agenda being waged by too many in the Republican Party. Last month, we were proud to endorse 299 more candidates from key states across the country running for statewide offices and in state legislative races. Just a few weeks ago, we announced our final round of endorsements bringing our total to over 400 Democracy Defenders across 17 states.


The New York Times just announced that “[b]y some measures, this is the fairest House map of the last 40 years.”

Our strategic plan for fair maps has paid off and it would have not been possible without your support over the last five years. But with less than four weeks remaining before Election Day, what we do next will make all the difference.

Will you take action, John? Can I count on you to pitch in to the NDRC to make sure we can fully execute our 2022 strategy and help save our democracy?

If we want to protect democracy, we have to DO democracy, in every sense. Yes, voting is important – but it’s not enough. The relentless attacks on our democratic process and institutions must be met with forceful and unrelenting opposition. We need people to speak out, we need people to volunteer to be poll workers, to march in the streets and organize their communities, and yes, to donate to help organizations like ours fight on every front.

The NDRC is all-in. In addition to supporting our slate of over 400 Democracy Defenders, we’re working in 17 states where strategic investments can make the difference between fair elections and minority rule. We are also working around the country to preserve the embattled right to vote and to protect key election infrastructure.

But, John, none of it is possible without you.

So I’m asking: Will you help us do everything we possibly can to protect our democracy this fall?

Thank you,
Eric H. Holder, Jr.