We are in uncharted waters here, my fellow Americans. This is beyond corrupt. This is treason.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

BEYOND CORRUPT: FBI Offered British Spy Christopher Steele $1 MILLION To Corrborate Russian Hoax Dossier
We are in uncharted waters here, my fellow Americans. This is beyond corrupt. This is treason.

FBI intel analyst tells Durham agency offered Steele $1M to corroborate dossier

Revelation emerged Tuesday in federal trial of Russian ...

Celebrities Who Say Nothing About Antisemitism From the Left Feign Outrage At Pro-Trump Kanye’s Tweets
The Democrats embrace the most vile Jew haters but proud Jews and Zionists are reviled. The only antisemitism they pretend to feign outrage at is when it’s a Trump supporter — Kanye. They applaud jihad Jew haters like Ilhan Omar, Rashid Khalidi ...

Supreme Court Backs Republicans in Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots Case
“Republicans were not the beneficiaries of this decision. The American voters are the beneficiaries. Any election lacking integrity is a loss for this Country, whether you are a Democrat or Republican. There can be no rational argument against ...

Ukraine’s Democrat Money Launderer Zelensky Demands America Nuke Russia
Nuclear war means the end of the world and yet the American media is cheering this. This is diabolical madness especially since this conflict on the other side of the world is of no import or concern to Americans.

“Tme to update your ...

SHOCKING: Pfizer Executive Admits COVID-19 Vaccine Was Never Tested to Prevent Transmission
The vaccine was NEVER tested to see if it prevented transmission of Covid. THE biggest ecial in crime in human history just got worse. And Fauci still walks free.

Watch as Pfizer executive Janine Small admits to EU parliament that Pfizer did ...

As BIDEN Battles UAE, Saudi Arabia, Questions Arise, Who Will Buy Biden’s US $31 TRILLION Debt?
Like Biden's nuclear Armageddon, this massive news story is getting no media coverage.Under Democrat rule, we are careening toward catastrophe. And the party of treason most likely wants the GOP to take the House in the mid-terms, so that the they ...

Twitter is a Weapon, Not a Business
The left is wielding their absolute power like a club.The left's suppression and censorship of those who oppose authoritarianism and one party rule goes against every precept of our first amendment.

The left cannot permit the free exchange of ...

J.D. Vance CRUSHES RadicaL Democrat Congressman Tim Ryan in Ohio Senate Debate
There are rare moments when an election is upended and won. This was one of them.

It's no wonder Democrats are refusing to debate on races across the country. They can run but they can't hide from their catastrophic failures.

Observe why ...

Paypal's latest attack on free speech was the last straw.

PayPal Now It Seize $2,500 From Users if They Spread ‘Misinformation’

They backed down after the move to seize funds of conservatives and dissidents was announced. But for how ...

Democrat Gubernatorial Nominee Katie Hobbs Blows Question on Latino community In Cringe Interview
Cringe. Observe why Katie Hobbs will not dare step onto a debate stage with Kari Lake. And observe why Hispanic Americans are flocking to the GOP.

“What have you learned…from the Latino community?”

Arizona Democrat governor nominee ...

Arizona’s Democrat Governor Candidate Afraid to Debate
After the beatdown Blake Masters put on Mark Kelly, Katie Hobbs will not dare debate Kari Lake. And why would Hobbs debate Lake when the mainstream media is providing her with close to 100 percent positive coverage? The mainstream media is acting ...
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