Winter Digest

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Message from the Director

Mike Tidwell

Dear [[First_Name]],

The year 2019 began with the world in shock. Scientists said we had barely 10 years to cut carbon emissions in half if we wanted to avoid a full-on climate catastrophe. Then, just 12 months later, the year ended with Swedish schoolgirl and climate activist – Greta Thunberg – being named Time Magazine’s “person of the year.” 

A lot happened in between. And the Chesapeake Climate Action Network is proud to have played our role, both regionally and nationally, in the climate movement with several major victories. As the year comes to an end, won’t you make a gift to keep us going? 


Washington, DC and National

We #ShutdownDC.

September was an inspiring month of climate action, as millions of people around the world went on strike, spanning the globe and generations. During the month of climate strikes, a clear message was sent to government officials and businesses. We are a movement fighting for everyone’s future, and we won’t stop until they take visionary steps to solve the climate crisis. CCANers were a strong presence at numerous strikes across our region.

Our sister organization, CCAN Action Fund, took it one step further with the historic #ShutDownDC action. It was a peaceful and inspiring takeover of DC streets alongside more than 1,000 climate activists on September 23. Activists rose before the sun and twenty-two "affinity groups" blocked major intersections and roads to disrupt business as usual. CCAN AF led a group which occupied eight lanes of traffic at Independence and 12th Street for three hours, successfully shutting down rush hour traffic around the Capitol. 

Read CCAN director Mike Tidwell’s oped in the Washington Post (which was named one of the Post’s top op-eds of the year!) about why it was necessary to shut down traffic in DC to draw attention to the climate crisis. Click here to read!


 #EXXONKNEW: The First Congressional Hearing to Hold Exxon Accountable is a Great Success

For over four decades, Big Oil and Gas companies, such as ExxonMobil, have known that climate change would bring about increasingly catastrophic impacts. However, in the interest of big profits, they decided to launch a massive misinformation campaign to deceive the public about their products and contribution to the crisis. CCAN has worked to bring this deceit to light and hold Exxon accountable for its harmful actions through petitions to political leaders and an informative report.

On October 23, the first congressional investigation aimed at examining the oil industry’s efforts to suppress the truth about climate change took place in the House Committee on Oversight and Reform’s subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. CCAN helped to make this hearing happen by working with subcommittee members, and it made national news. Now, we'll continue to push for additional congressional hearings to hold Exxon accountable. Donate today to help us bring to light the truth about Exxon’s denial campaign.



DC Events

January 25, 10:00am: "Keep Winter Cold" Polar Bear Plunge. It's our 15th annual flagship fundraiser, where hundreds of CCANers run screaming into the icy cold Potomac River for a good cause. Sign up to plunge with us!



January 15, 6:00pm: Envirorun. Join Envirorun DC for their next bi-monthly run featuring Emily Wirzba and Alicia Cannon from the Friends Committee on National Legislation - FCNL, a Quaker lobby that is one of the nation's oldest lobbying groups.



MD Events

January 14, 6:00pm: Pack the room! Tell MDE: Draft Climate Plan is weak (Charles County). Hogan's climate plan falls ways short of what Maryland needs to fight climate change and promote vibrant and healthy communities. Pack the room at MDE's public engagement session to say that Marylanders deserve bold and ambitious action on climate change!



January 31, 1:00pm: Pack the room! Tell MDE: Draft Climate Plan is weak (Baltimore). This is the same as the event above, but for the public meeting in Baltimore. 



VA Events

January 14, all day: 100% Virginia: Rally and Lobby Day for Clean Energy (Richmond).  We are partnering up with the Sierra Club, LCV, and more to put on the biggest grassroots climate lobby day and rally that the Virginia legislature has ever seen, all for 100% clean energy — and we need you there!




January 6, 6:00pm: Art Build for Clean Energy Lobby Day (Richmond). Create art for Clean Energy Lobby Day! Help us create signs and banners for the rally and event. Supplies provided!



Featured Video: Represenative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) Opens Hearing on Exxon Deception

This fall, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamie Raskin held big polluters like Exxon accountable in a first-ever congressional hearing.

Watch the video:


“Rebuild Maryland”: Our Most Epic Conference Ever

On December 14, nearly 600 people joined us at the University of Maryland in College Park for “Rebuild Maryland: Climate Action Summit.” This was far, far more than we expected. In the end, it was the largest climate summit in CCAN history — and ever in Maryland! For seven straight hours on December 14, the unforgettable moments kept coming: Passionate speeches by “climate strikers.” Mind-blowing panels by scientists. Lunchtime discussions led by top climate activists. More than anything, the conference sent a message to Governor Larry Hogan: “Do your job on climate change… or get out of the way!”

We are grateful to everyone who contributed to this massive success. The energy in the room at the end of the day was incredible, and we heard from many that they were feeling inspired to take even bolder action in the coming year.

Help us keep the momentum going. Donate to support our campaign for a strong climate plan in Maryland that matches what is called for by the Paris Climate Agreement!


Another Potomac Pipeline Victory, But....

First, the good news: The Potomac Pipeline is, as of now, kicking the bucket. We had a big win when a federal court dismissed Columbia Gas’ attempt to force a fracked-gas pipeline underneath Maryland public lands. The company, owned by infamous TransCanada, is trying to appeal the decision, but we feel like our case is on solid ground for now. 

Now, the bad: You may know that Maryland Governor Hogan wants to “kick-start” a gas expansion in Maryland and use $30 million of state money to fund that expansion. Well, that’s still true. His administration held four public meetings across the state for comment on that plan, and we turned out hundreds of community members to show up and oppose it.  We demanded that the money instead be used to fix leaky pipelines and to help communities clean up after disasters like the gas explosion that leveled an office building in Columbia, Maryland. But we’ve gotten no indication that the plan will change. 

Fracked gas is not a bridge fuel to clean energy. It's a bridge fuel to disaster. We’re going to keep pushing Hogan to stop his terrible fracked-gas plan and make sure the Potomac Pipeline is never built. Donate to support our movement to end new fossil fuels in Maryland.



Climate Action is Coming to the Commonwealth.

After an historic election in November, we're heading into the 2020 General Assembly session with a climate action mandate! Scores of candidates pledged to reject campaign contributions from Dominion Energy and fight for a clean energy future in 2019. Now, there is momentum in the legislature to pass the Virginia Clean Economy Act, which will put Virginia on the path to a 100% carbon-free electricity sector by 2050. It will be the top environmental priority this session, and it could put Virginia on the map as a leader on clean energy.

Even though Dominion is definitely not as strong as they once were, the monopoly utility will not go away quietly. If we are going to pass ambitious climate legislation in the home of one of the nation's most powerful mega-polluters, we'll need all hands on deck. RSVP now to join our sister organization CCAN Action Fund and our growing list of coalition partners at the Grassroots Clean Energy Lobby Day on January 14th to make your voice heard!

Are We Really Winning on Fracked-Gas Pipelines?

Courts have thrown out seven permits for two massive fracked-gas pipelines that would run through Virginia thanks to lawsuits brought by CCAN and our friends. The longer of these two pipelines — Dominion's Atlantic Coast Pipeline — faces so many setbacks that only the Supreme Court or an act of Congress can save it. After we filed sued over Mountain Valley Pipeline's clearly flawed Endangered Species Act permit, that company "voluntarily" suspended construction operations in areas with affected species. This partial suspension wasn't good enough for the federal court, which forced MVP to halt all construction activities along the entire pipeline.

As a result, both pipelines — which once seemed inevitable — are on pause! 

But we know the fight isn’t over. Donate to help us keep fighting in 2020 until both of these pipelines are gone for good.

Support CCAN

Under a Trump presidency, state-based climate action is the path forward to keeping fossil fuels in the ground and ramping up clean energy progress. Your tax-deductible donation will help us respond to threats to our climate with bold, creative action. Make your gift today!

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CCAN is building a people-powered movement for bold and just solutions to climate change in the Chesapeake region of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC. We also act as "first-responders" to federal action on the climate crisis and inspire climate action across the country.

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