![]() , It could ultimately lead to the end of the world as we know it. . . Yet the Biden regime and their allies in Congress, like Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), blindly continue their saber rattling and plotting for regime change in Russia. America is fighting a proxy war with Russia, and it’s just a matter of time before our chickens come home to roost unless you and I do something to stop the madness. The war lobby is not even pretending they aren’t after regime change in Russia. Months ago, Ukraine and Russia were working on a deal that would have ended the conflict, but now-former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, speaking for the West, interfered and pressured Zelensky to end the talks, because our own reckless leaders want, and somehow believe they can achieve, regime change in Russia. The warmongers in both parties want to keep funding this “to the last man,” as one such warmonger, Lindsey Graham, put it. . . Said plainly, Senator Graham is happy to sacrifice every last Ukrainian if that is what it takes to achieve his goals. Our own leaders in Washington are getting thousands of people killed, while raiding the scarce resources of Americans who are already suffering from Congress’ reckless spending. This is foolish, dangerous, and intolerable. We must speak against this, right now. Too many members of Congress are all too happy to commit an endless supply of American taxpayer dollars for war in Ukraine. And as they continue to throw good money after bad into the cauldron, the Ukrainian government grows more and more brazen in its demands. Ukraine just approved its overall government budget for next year. And they aren’t hiding the fact they expect America, the European Union, and the International Monetary Fund to pay for their $30 billion deficit. They come right out and say it. Last week, an economic advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told the EU they must increase the pace of aid, and delays were “not acceptable.” And just this week, Joe Biden promised Zelensky the U.S. will provide Ukraine with advanced air defenses. The very next day, Zelensky told the Group of 7 nations they need to help his country establish an “air shield” and demanded Russia be declared a terrorist state and be further sanctioned. This is unprecedented and bizarre. We’ve spent so much money, so recklessly, that Ukraine thinks nothing of continuously demanding more while rebuffing peaceful solutions and ignoring the plight of his own people and those across Europe. People all around the world are suffering through the aftermath of Covid. Starvation, death, and economic turmoil is on the rise. German and U.K. citizens are facing severe economic and energy problems. Nevertheless, the G7 – the U.S., U.K., Germany, Italy, France, Canada, and Japan – promised to continue providing support to Ukraine “for as long as it takes.” For as long as what takes? For peace to prevail? With every day, the war in Ukraine continues to escalate, and the rhetoric is escalating accordingly. Both sides are targeting civilian infrastructure and talk of a nuclear conflict is becoming frighteningly casual. Joe Biden himself suggested nuclear “Armageddon” at an elite campaign fundraising dinner last week, as if this wasn’t in itself a mortal threat to civilization as we know it. The West couldn’t bring any stability to Iraq or Afghanistan after years of full-scale occupation. What could they possibly imagine is the endgame in this rapidly escalating war with a much larger nation with nuclear weapons, capable allies, and a sophisticated military? This war has taken a terrible toll on all parties. The price tag climbs higher and higher. Dollars . . . human lives . . . even military equipment, which we may need to defend our own country. Just yesterday, the Washington Post reported even Biden is concerned that Zelensky appears ungrateful as he continuously says the increased support is not enough. And public support for the war is dropping dramatically. It’s time to demand we stop throwing good money after bad and demand our leaders put an end to this fool’s errand that we are all paying for. This week, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg just blurted it out: “The victory of the Russian Federation in the conflict in Ukraine will be a defeat for NATO and this cannot be allowed.” This is a stunning confession of the globalist mindset. It’s not about Ukraine’s borders at all. It’s an “all-in” bet on the West’s global hegemony . . . and it’s a bet they are worried about losing. For months the Deep State has assured us that the Russian military is going to fall apart any day now. The Russian people are going to rise up and overthrow Putin any day now, they insisted. Now NATO says a Russian victory is possible – not over Ukraine, but over NATO. Of course, on this issue and every other issue, the Deep State have proven themselves consistently wrong. The American people must DEMAND our leaders STOP escalating this conflict before going “all in” means a nuclear confrontation. After all, it’s We the People who are paying for this disastrous and dangerous endeavor. The tens of billions we’ve already spent is money we needed here at home. Please join me in DEMANDING NO MORE of this so-called “aid” for war in Ukraine, before this gets any further out of control. We are facing an energy crisis, a military crisis, and a severe recession or worse. The “aid” money we’re sending to Ukraine isn’t going to Ukrainians; it’s going to one of the most, if not the most, corrupt governments in the world. This is a profound betrayal by the Biden Administration and Congress, to the suffering American people they serve. Soon it will be winter. Energy prices are going to skyrocket. We need to speak up now before this gets any further out of hand. Public opinion is moving in our direction. But it’s up to us to make Congress listen. The silent consent of the American people is the only thing holding the regime together. Now, more than ever, we need to speak out. Take a moment to tell your representative you DEMAND they oppose any further so-called “aid” to Ukraine – and put America first . . . and second, and third! Then, please forward this message to your fellow patriots. And if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty’s work with a contribution. We are the only organization mobilizing patriots against this senseless conflict with grassroots political action. Your gift of $10 or $1,000 or something in-between will help us fight this battle. Taking on the statists in D.C. is never easy . . . or cheap. But with your help, you and I can stop this madness before it escalates further. Whether you can make a contribution of $100, $200, $500, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more people. Thank you for all that you do to save our Republic. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. We can prevent this dangerous conflict from spiraling out of control, if only we speak out. Take a moment to tell your Congressman you DEMAND they oppose any further so-called “aid” to Ukraine. And if you support Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to expose and stop this madness, please support us with a contribution. It’s the only thing that keeps us going. Click here to support Campaign for Liberty. Whether you can make a contribution of $100, $200, $500, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more patriots. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. 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