Ilhan for Congress

Hello, it's Reps. Ilhan Omar and Eric Swalwell.

We have made it our mission to expose Kevin McCarthy for his hypocrisy and dangerous rhetoric. That’s why we launched our video “A Crime,” which has been viewed over ONE MILLION times.

Our message is clear — Kevin McCarthy is not pro-cop. He’s pro-coup, and should never hold the Speaker’s gavel. Can you help us continue to spread our message ahead of the midterm elections by splitting a donation between our campaigns?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will immediately be split between Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar:

We have too much at stake to let a power-hungry extremist like Kevin McCarthy control the majority in Congress. We’re leaving it all on the line because our families deserve better than McCarthy’s brazen bigotry.

Will you chip in today and split a donation between our campaigns so we can continue doing this work?

Thank you so much for your support,

Eric + Ilhan