October 12, 2022  •  Weekly Newsletter
Ivan Eland (National Interest)

Unwanted interventions within other nations’ borders to promote democracy or humanitarian aims—you would think, after Iraq, Afghanistan, and Ukraine, we’d be done with that. Dangerous wars, sometimes big ones, can be triggered by such “noble” interference. But, no. Iran is also now on the menu. READ MORE »
Steve H. Hanke (Jewish Policy Center)

Over 40 percent of the total surface area of the United States is government owned—and you know what that means: unproductive and badly managed land (six times the size of France). How can we fix this? READ MORE »
Lawrence J. McQuillan (American Conservative)

For every homeless person in San Francisco who becomes housed with the help of government, four more people become homeless. But it need not be that way. Our new documentary and policy report show how San Antonio, TX, has reversed those numbers. READ MORE »

Luka Ladan (Orange County Register)

When Gov. Newsom and California Republicans agree on something, it’s probably best to listen—and both sides oppose Proposition 30. The effect of this annual green tax on California innovators and job-creators? More poverty, homelessness, and higher home prices for a state already wracked by all three. READ MORE »
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