Missionaries witness and serve in different locales and cultures and engage in a range of
professions and activities. They are a tangible connection between the church and mission. The
General Board of Global Ministries recruits, places and supports individuals who follow God’s
call to become missionaries.
Missionaries serve in a wide range of capacities and come from many places and backgrounds
ministering for varying lengths of time. Global Ministries sends and supports over 200 short- and
long-term missionaries serving in over 60 countries. Missionaries are pastors, pilots, teachers,
medical workers, church planters, engineers, social workers and more who are evangelizing
through mission initiatives; addressing diseases of poverty and global health and responding to
natural and civil disasters.
Your support enables Global Ministries to continue to train, commission and send missionaries
around the world. Even the smallest gift makes an impact. The special giving structure of this
organization ensures your generosity blesses as many people as possible in sustainable,
strategic ways. When you give through Global Ministries, 100% of your gift goes to support
missionaries by providing appropriate salary, health insurance, pension and benefits to support
missionaries. With your help, we can transform the world together.