Power to You(th) (PtY) is a five-year program from 2021 – 2025, that seeks to empower adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) to increase their agency, claim their rights, address gender inequalities, challenge gender norms, and advocate for inclusive decision-making. The Power to You(th) (PtY) consortium, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is led by Amref Netherlands, in collaboration with Sonke Gender Justice and Rutgers, and supported by KIT and CHOICE as technical partners.
As part of its efforts to learn from results and gather insights that could improve the implementation of the second half of the programme (2024-2025), the PtY consortium will carry out a mid-term evaluation of the PtY programmes in all 7 implementing countries during the period [November 2022 – July 2023], as well as at global and regional level. In the 7 implementing countries part of the MTE will be carried out by national consultants, who will be recruited by the PtY country teams. The results of the 7 evaluations will in turn feed into the global MTE.
The partnership is looking for an experienced consultant with skills evaluating regional/global programs to evaluate program approaches, document lessons learned, best practices, success and challenges for outcome sustainability, and future programming. The information below provides the learning questions and scope for the Midterm Evaluation.