Chipping in weekly can make a huge impact.

Ilhan for Congress

We only have four more weeks until Election Day, team — so we’re hoping you’ll schedule a $5 weekly contribution (71 cents a day) each Tuesday before the polls close on November 8th. Here’s why Ilhan and our movement are counting on your weekly support:

Ilhan refuses to take even a dime from corporate PACs and believes her time is better spent organizing and advocating for change in Congress than calling up donors.

Our movement focuses on empowering small-dollar donors who want to see more leaders like Ilhan who have lived out many of their day-to-day struggles — not career politicians who would rather do the bidding of Big Pharma and Big Oil than fight for bold policies.

Meanwhile, Ilhan’s Republican opponent has raised more than $2 million against her and Kevin McCarthy-aligned super PACs have brought in millions to try to take back the House. With everything from abortion access to climate change on the line this year, we can’t afford to lose ground now. Grassroots contributions from folks like you will make all the difference.

We’re planning key investments for the final stretch of the election, and knowing we have your $5 each week will ensure we don’t have to scale back our organizing efforts at this critical moment.

So, can you chip in just 71 cents a day to power our work for progress? Click here to schedule your $5 weekly donation (It will automatically cancel on Election Day).


No one wants to wake up the morning after Election Day wishing they’d done more. When you chip in weekly, you’ll know you went all-in to help re-elect Ilhan and defend the House majority.

Thank you,

Team Ilhan


P.S. If you can’t give weekly but still want to chip in, make a one-time grassroots donation below: