Dear Friends,
The 2020 election is widely seen by those who care about human rights as the most significant U.S. Presidential election in memory.
People of faith are called to practice compassion, to pursue justice, to live faithfully, to offer hospitality, and to make peace. There is no reason these same values can't guide candidates for the highest office in the land.
Already, NRCAT staff has met in closed door sessions with four Presidential candidates to make the case that the torture of solitary confinement is one of the top domestic human rights issues of our day. Several have now included ending or limiting solitary in their criminal justice reform agendas.
NRCAT has also met with the staff for most leading candidates to discuss the importance of closing Guantanamo and ensuring that the U.S. does not revert back to torturing detainees.
I invite you to donate to NRCAT's year-end fundraising campaign today to support these efforts to hold our elected leaders accountable that could have ramifications far beyond 2020. Make a donation today at [link removed]
Thank you for your partnership.
Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director
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