This bill has only picked up a few sponsors, but there’s another companion bill that has a LOT more support among the GOP – including from my opponent, Republican Senator Mike Crapo.
Just two days after this drug-price-hike bill was introduced, my opponent signed on to cosponsor and introduce a bill that would repeal the corporate minimum tax – leading to BILLIONS in giveaways to the largest and wealthiest corporations.
Republicans clearly cannot be trusted with power, John. They will strip our rights and stuff the pockets of the wealthy and the well-connected at everyone else’s expense.
Fortunately, there is a big appetite for change here in Idaho. People are sick of a Senator who fights endlessly to protect the profits of the super rich while working families struggle. That’s why Democratic voter registrations SURGED in our state the last few months, and why there is so much enthusiasm behind our campaign.
We’re down to the final weeks of GOTV, and we still have voters to reach in the most remote parts of the state. Can you make a contribution to our GOTV fund now so we can flip this U.S. Senate seat in November?
Let’s win this.
- David