We are already seeing the positive results that come from pro-voter and pro-democracy advocacy. 


This is the moment we’ve been preparing for: early voting is about to be in full swing here in Georgia.

Early voting gives more voters the opportunity to make their voices heard. Fair Fight Action is working each and every day to ensure voters are able to cast their ballot and ensure it counts — while so many are trying to limit it.

Pro-voter and pro-democracy advocacy hold real power and make a real difference — voters are receiving their ballots in the mail, election volunteers are being trained, and people are making their plans to vote.

All of this and more is possible thanks to the generosity of dedicated grassroots supporters like you. And today, your gift of $20 or more can go even further towards ensuring access to the ballot box in this year’s midterms >>

Your contribution of $20 for Fair Fight Action today could:

  • Train volunteers to reach out to Georgia voters and confirm their voting plans;
  • Fund our efforts to contact eligible voters in their own communities and encourage them — primarily young people and Black and brown Georgians — to make their voices heard at the polls; and
  • Help to address voter suppression efforts in real time and combat systemic issues rooted within our election system

While these are only a few of the ways Fair Fight Action is supporting free and fair elections, your contribution today will ensure this team can go above and beyond in the fight for democracy. This journey continues past the 2022 midterms, and your support will help propel Fair Fight Action’s work into the election cycles to come.

Please pitch in $20 today to advance Fair Fight Action’s goal of ensuring the freedom to vote for all eligible voters, increasing voter protection at the ballot box, and combating voter suppression efforts at all levels.

Thank you for everything,

The Fair Fight Action Team