As a lifelong Democrat from rural Virginia, the 2022 midterms are especially important to me.
There’s a lot on the line this year. First, Democrats have an opportunity to make even more progress as we work to flip our rural RED districts back to rural BLUE districts. Second, so many Democratic legislative successes have brought jobs and resources to my hometown in southwestern Virginia. We can’t afford to let Republicans take control of Congress and slow down our progress – or worse: reverse it.
Now is our chance as Democrats to start rebuilding our rural coalitions, while also electing leaders who champion the issues that are important to communities like mine. Will you join me in supporting Virginia Democrats this year as we work to hold our majority in Congress and expand our coalitions here at home?
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We need to do all that we can to make sure we’re asking for everyone’s vote, regardless of zip code. To do that, it’ll take all of us pitching in and giving what we can. Can we count on your support?
Liam J. Watson
Deputy Digital Director, DPVA