The midterm election is just four weeks from today. The stakes
are high and the future of our democracy is on the line. With this in
mind, the Forward Party is
proud to begin rolling out its first slate of endorsed
we are announcing our endorsements for the United States Senate: Mark
Kelly (D) in Arizona, Evan McMullin (I) in Utah, and Lisa Murkowski
(R) in Alaska. These are three candidates who
disagree on plenty but share our common concern for protecting
democracy and moving our nation
 When considering candidates to endorse, the
Forward Party took a truly unique approach that reflects our
commitment to ground-up, collaborative politics. We convened a
Candidate Working Group composed of National HQ staff, advisors to the
party, and grassroots leaders from across the country, elected to
their position via a Ranked-Choice Vote by their peers. The working
group selected candidates who are:
Committed to working to
reform our elections and strengthen our democracy.
Dedicated to working
across any divide to get
things done for their constituents and their country.
These three Senate candidates
from across the political spectrum are the embodiment of those
ideals. In the future, you
will see candidates running under the Forward banner, but for now, we
want to make sure that the broad coalition of good leaders committed
to free people, thriving communities, and a vibrant democracy receive
our recognition and support.
Be on the lookout in the coming days for our announcement of
endorsed candidates for the U.S. House as well as state and local
offices across the country. But for today, please check
out these great candidates, consider giving them support, and on November 8th, we can begin the work
of moving the United States Senate
Thanks, The Forward
© 2022 Forward Party, all rights reserved.
mailing address is: P.O. Box 9172 Fredericksburg, VA 22403, United
Paid for by Forward
Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's