China's Drug Attack on the US

by Lawrence Kadish  •  October 11, 2022 at 2:00 pm

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As a leading global manufacturer of fentanyl, which is being smuggled into the US in massive quantities, China is unique in appreciating just how destabilizing such a drug can be to a nation. (Image source: iStock)

The Chinese have a very long memory. And a strong sense of history.

If only Americans possessed both, for we would be able far better to understand the enormous consequences of the lethal drug abuse harming America from the massive quantities of death-dealing fentanyl being smuggled into our country, with its origins often a Chinese lab.

The Chinese know full well that a society's addiction to drugs can unravel a proud nation, stripping away its very sovereignty. When opium was brought to China in the 1700s, the British quickly used the drug as a means of gaining an economic advantage over its new trading partner. The addiction to the drug was so explosive that the Chinese emperor eventually sought to ban it. When his military destroyed warehouses full of the drug, the British responded with a crushing naval attack that became known as a series of Opium Wars.

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