Folks, I need to be honest – I’m confused and disappointed right now.
First, my team told you that we became the most expensive House race in the country. There’s over $26 million floating around NV-03 to influence the outcome of this race.
Then, we told you about what FiveThirtyEight showed about my race: if we lose to April Becker next month, our chances of holding the House deteriorate significantly.
Now, I’m left scratching my head because I expected more of our supporter base to step up and chip in to help keep this seat – and frankly, the House – blue in a few weeks.
I know there’s a lot of campaigns asking for your support right now, but I hope you’ll chip in to mine as the outcome of our race will determine control of the House. Will you chip in right now to help keep NV-03 blue and hold our House majority?
Thank you for helping my campaign stay ahead!
With you,
Susie Lee