I’m at my wits’ end, Fellow Patriot.
Pelosi and the Democrats just have too much power, too many connections, and too much in their fundraising war chest.
At this point, if I don’t do a total 180 on the fundraising front, not only will I have to possibly SHUT DOWN my campaign, but Republicans may never win another race this year.
Fellow Patriot, this is Ryan Zinke. I served as President Trump’s Secretary of the Interior and I was the commander at SEAL Team 6.
I’m also running for Congress in the most critical race in the nation.
If Pelosi can destroy me in this race, I can guarantee you no other Republican will have a chance.
I have Trump’s endorsement, I lead the team of Navy SEAL’s running for Congress, and I have more battle experience than anyone else.

The point is, Fellow Patriot, I’m the toughest Republican running for office. If I can’t beat Pelosi - no one can.
So, I’m going to be blunt with you. If you chip in just $5 right now, I can promise you that we will blow my fundraising goal out of the water and ruin Pelosi’s plan to destroy our nation.
I’m humbly asking you, as a warrior who’s fought for this nation for my entire life, will you help me out?
You have my word, as a former Navy SEAL and commander at SEAL Team 6, if you help me out, I will return the favor in Congress.
Thank you for your support,
Ryan Zinke
Paid for by Zinke for Congress |
PO BOX 1597
Helena, MT 59624
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