Hello John,

Today we get to reach out with some good news. Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin has decided to cosponsor Ethan’s law, and it’s time to send her a thank-you.

For too long, our legislators have been afraid to vote for gun safety because they fear the power and money of the NRA. This means when they stand up to protect our children, we have to tell them they are doing the right thing.

Please sign our thank you note to make sure Senator Baldwin and others keep putting our children first. 

What is Ethan’s Law? Ethan’s Law would require gun owners to store their guns securely so that children and teens can’t access them. It is named after Ethan Song, a teenager who was killed at a friend's home, where guns were not properly stored. Sadly, events just like this happen every single day in our country.

That's why we are working alongside Ethan's mom to make sure our elected officials are doing all they can to protect our children. Let’s thank Senator Baldwin for supporting this law, which will save children's lives.

Thank you,


Policy and Partnerships Associate


WAVE Educational Fund
PO Box 170393 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217
414-351-9283 | [email protected]

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