Church leaders opposed to broad ‘conversion therapy’ ban launch ‘Greater Love Declaration’

Dear supporter,

The authors of a letter opposing Government plans on conversion therapy have today published a strong new declaration affirming Christian teaching on marriage, sex and identity.

Last year’s letter was signed by over 2,500 ministers and pastoral workers, as well as 5,000 other supporters. The authors expect the Greater Love Declaration to also gain widespread support.

The Declaration states clearly the Bible’s teaching that love is to be modelled on the example of Christ – laying down one’s life for others.

Simon Calvert has endorsed the Declaration on behalf of the CI:

“[The authors] are affirming basic biblical truths in a gracious and well-thought-through way, and they are committing to teaching and proclaiming those truths whatever opposition they may face.”

Simon Calvert, The Christian Institute, endorses the Greater Love Declaration
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Please support the Greater Love Declaration.

It is written with church leaders or pastoral workers in mind, but everyone is welcome to sign in support –


Please pray that God would be pleased to use this initiative:

  • To build up the Church;
  • To help prevent the criminalisation of Christian teaching on sex and gender;
  • To help the world outside the doors of the church to better understand the love of God.

Yours in Christ,
Ciarán Kelly
Ciarán Kelly
Deputy Director (Staff and Communications)
The Christian Institute