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Maine Forest Service

Webinar: Forestry Rules of Maine Overview

Bureau / Program:

Maine Forest Service


October 26, 2022


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM



Event Type:?


This webinar is intended for foresters, loggers, and landowners and will provide an overview Maine's timber harvesting rules, primarily those related to water quality and forest practices. The webinar will be an introduction to forest harvesting rules for some, as well as a refresher for those already planning/conducting forest harvests. (The workshop will not address Forest Operation Notifications in depth, or rules administered by the Forest Protection Division/Forest Rangers.)

No registration is necessary to attend the webinar.

Continuing Education credits pending.

Meeting Information:

Join this meeting

Meeting ID:?278 642 097 594


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Or call in (audio only) +1 207-209-4724,,547531861#?United States, Portland Phone Conference ID:?547 531 861#

Free EPA Webinars for ISA and SAF credit

There are 1.5 CEUs pre-approved by the ISA and SAF for these two webinars.?

These webinars are free of charge.

Managing Pests of White Pines


October 18, 2022


2:00 ? 3:30 PM ET

Be it eastern or western, white pines are suffering from a plethora of pests including bark beetles, weevils, needle scale, aphids, and needle blight. Utility arborists, park managers, commercial foresters and homeowners need to know how to control these destructive pests. During this webinar, experts will review the pests of white pines, the symptoms of infestation, and provide information on the management strategies and resources needed to maintain their health.

Webinar registration page

Presenters: Kamal Gandhi, Ph.D.,? University of Georgia; Deborah McCullough, Ph.D.? Michigan State University ; Isabel Munck, Ph.D., USDA


Identifying and Managing Toxic Plants


November 15, 2022


2:00 ? 3:30 PM ET

Join us to learn about some dangerous, toxic plants scattered through forests, fields and even sneaking into your landscaped areas. First, we will give a broad overview of common toxic plants, then we will focus on 5 members of the Apiaceae (carrot) family. According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, these are definitely plants you want to avoid. These plants can be extremely toxic to the touch-with sap that cause burns and blindness to humans and dogs and can cause respiratory failure in other mammals if ingested.? Learn how to identify these plants, their range, and how to remove and control them. Discover how these Invasive plants are controlled in a larger scale such as rangelands, and field crops.? We will focus on a selection from giant hogweed, wild and cow parsnip, poison and spotted water hemlock and compare them to another family member: Queen Anne?s lace. Then our expert will review cautions, symptoms, and management strategies.

Webinar registration page

Presenter: Mark Renz, Ph.D., Professor/Extension Weed Specialist, University of Wisconsin

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