Has there ever been a time when we were more in need of accurate information and truthful reporting but suffered so severely from the lack of it in the legacy media?
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Come Forward
We need your support. Come forward and support the cause. Please contribute to our work. The website is funded by readers. Has there ever been a time when we were more in need of accurate information and truthful reporting but suffered so severely ...

SNAKE IN THE GRASS: Mitch McConnell Is Funding Lisa Murkowski in Alaska BUT NOT Blake Masters in Arizona (VIDEO)
LIsa Murkowski has backed Biden 67% of the time. She does the opposite of what she tells Alaskans she will do. Blake Masters, on the other hand is the real deal. McConnell is a democrat operative.

Arizona Republican Blake Masters relentlessly ...

GOP Lawmakers Question Blinken and Garland Over Communist China’s Secret Police Stations in New York
Inside China's secret police station in NEW YORK whose officers hunt down dissidents and 'persuade' them to return home

One of at least 54 secret Chinese police stations is located in New York City's Chinatown neighborhood 
A human rights ...

Censored Doctors Sue California for “Covid Disinfo”
In a radical coup, Newsom took a sledgehammer to the First Amendment by signing the medical censorship bill. Newsom would have strung Galileo up by his testicles. But this is not medieval times, this is what once was America, is the greatest, the ...

Mayor Adams Declares His Sanctuary City in ‘State of Emergency’ Because of Illegals
The endlessly partying NYC Mayor Eric Adams is whining that the city’s “functional and compassionate system” is being “exploited by others for political gain.” and insisted, “We have not asked for this.”

Not true. New York City ...

‘RACIAL RECKONING’: Military’s New Diversity Chief Hawks Books, Advocates “Revolution” In K-12 Schools
The Pentagon chief came has come under fire for Twitter posts disparaging white people…..

“Agitate, Agitate, Agitate”

The left is blowing up the country.

“Agitate, Agitate, Agitate”— Military's New Diversity Chief Hawks ...

MIDTERM ELECTIONS: 55% Believe Cheating Affected 2020 Outcome, HALF OF VOTERS Expect Widespread Cheating in Midterms
The country has lost faith in our election system. And rightly so. Our elections have been hijacked by the party of treason.

MIDTERM ELECTIONS: 55% Believe Cheating Affected 2020 Outcome, HALF OF VOTERS Expect Widespread Cheating in Midterms ...

Leading UK Newspaper Slams Biden: “Useless” and “Nasty”, ‘Intolerant, Stuck-In-His-Ways Old Man’
The gloves are off, it seems. Even the global elite press, who supported this cretin, have had enough.

Useless and nasty: Joe Biden has revealed himself

Are the President's outbursts a product of his age — or simply a display of his ...

UNLAWFUL: Federal Judge Declares Federal Guidelines on Pronouns, Unisex Bathrooms Unlawful
Finally, a rational ruling in a mad, mad, mad world. Women and children can breathe a wee bit easier in Texas…..

Federal Judge Declares Federal Guidelines on Pronouns, Unisex Bathrooms Unlawful

By Juliette Fairley, Epoch Times, October 8, ...

Vanderbilt University Suspends “Gender Affirmation Surgery” for Minors
If it wasn't for Tucker Carlson, they would still be castrating boys and performing hysterectomies and cutting the breasts off young girls.

Fox News: Vanderbilt University Medical Center is suspending all permanent “gender affirmation ...

Uvalde School District Suspends Entire Police Force
What took so long?

Reuters: The school district in Uvalde, Texas, suspended its entire police force on Friday, pending the outcome of a probe following the mass shooting in May that killed 19 students and two teachers, the district said in a ...

Biden Regime Gives Cellphones to over 255K Border Crossers, Illegal Aliens Released into U.S.
These people are nuts. Evil and nuts.

Biden's DHS Gives Cellphones to over 255K Border Crossers, Illegal Aliens Released into U.S.

By: John Binder, The Beitbart, 9 Oct 2022326

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security ...

2 Shot Outside NY Gov GOP Hopeful Lee Zeldin’s Home With Twin Daughters Inside
“I’m standing in front of crime scene tape in front of my own house,” he said while standing beside his family. “You can’t get me more outraged than I am right now.”

If New Yorkers re-elect the brutal sadistic, incompetent and ...

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