My district is a unique place. Both the 8th district, which I currently represent, and the new 7th district, where I’m running, have always been independently-minded. It’s one of the only places in the country where people still vote for the person over the party. Case in point: I'm the only Democrat still left in the House who won a district that went for Romney in 2012, Trump in 2016, and Trump again in 2020.
Over the years, I’ve heard quite a few stories of Democrats quietly finding each other through our campaign – especially in the new, more conservative areas of the new 7th.
Case in point: the bumper sticker the Clinton County Democratic Party sells at their events. It reflects something that Washington often misses: that it’s often hard to be a Democrat in a conservative place.

In addition, we know of at least two fake book clubs that have formed over the years. Women tell their Republican husbands they’re going to a book club, and then secretly come volunteer for our campaign. And, I’ve had more folks than I can count tell me that after years of voting Republican, I’ve been their gateway into Democratic politics.
In these places, tangible expressions of support like yard signs are critical. People frequently come up to me to say that they were nervous to put up their yard sign, because they had assumed they were the only Democrat in their neighborhood. Then, not long after their sign went up, more and more slowly started to pop up along their street. We even know of friendships that started when neighbors “came out” to each other as Democrats by checking out each other's signs.
It’s thanks to a lot of these folks that I’m able to serve in Congress, and that Democrats have a razor-thin majority in Congress. And it just goes to show how powerful finding a community of like-minded people can be – even if you don’t think it exists.
So, talk to your neighbors. They might surprise you. And if you’d like to help me continue to serve this independently-minded district, consider making a contribution below.