
Jon just wrapped up another trip back to Montana, and he’s already talking about how much he misses the farm and all the folks he got to spend time with back home.

In the last week, he traveled across the state speaking with constituents, supporting local candidates, and hosting a town hall in Bozeman. Jon’s town halls aren’t like your average politicians’. The media’s invited, and no topic is off-limits. He’ll call on anyone, and answer any question. 

It’s one of the things that sets Jon apart. He makes time to meet with folks regardless of who they voted for or what they think, in every corner of the state. It’s one of the many reasons why we’re so proud to be on Team Tester. 

The work of traveling the state and connecting with people takes resources, though, so we’re asking this team to step up and pitch in $10 to help us keep going:


Jon isn’t like most politicians in Washington — he doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk. From doing open town halls to making his schedule available to the public, he always makes it clear he works for and answers to his constituents only.

That also means he relies on grassroots support to power his work. And that’s where this team comes in. 

Any amount you can chip in today will help make sure Jon gets to keep fighting hard for Montana families in Washington.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


Team Tester

P.S. When Jon comes to your area, make sure to come say hi!