October 10, 2022
Dear John:
Under current leadership, the government has become another arm of the Democrat party. They have politicized the FBI, proposed an IRS army to audit the middle-class so they can pay for their reckless spending, and targeted concerned parents as "domestic terrorists".
This government is totally out of touch with the values on which this great country was founded. Republicans are committed to restoring responsibility in the government.
We will preserve our Constitutional freedoms, upholding free speech, protecting the lives of unborn children and their mothers, guaranteeing religious freedom, and safeguarding the Second Amendment.
We will hold Washington accountable, conducting rigorous oversight to rein in government abuse of power and corruption, providing real transparency, and requiring the White House to answer for its incompetence and home and abroad.
We will increase accountability in the election process through voter ID, accurate voter rolls, and observer access.
This is our commitment to America.