
Our state is headed towards disaster.  We may never repair the damage done if we let proposals 2 & 3 pass.

Unborn Equity and Voting Integrity recently deployed:

  • 4.5 Million digital impressions in SE Michigan to fight against these extreme proposed Constitutional changes. 

We have printed:

  • Over 40,000 pieces of literature now circulating the entire state because of generous donors and enthusiastic supporters like you.

Our videos have been viewed:

  • Tens of thousands of times, with tremendous support.

We Can't Stop Now - Help us Reach More People!


Michigan is on the brink of joining the likes of California on our abortion and voting policy. Except one thing, Michigan's proposal's 2 & 3 are even more extreme, in fact, the most extreme in the entire United States.

Proposal 3 strips parents of their rights. Allowing minors to get abortions, sterilization, and undergo sex change surgery without parents even knowing.

Proposal 3 protects late term abortions.  Allows anyone to assist in abortions without any accountability if things go sideways.  You read that right.


Proposal 2 creates major election security risks, establishes permanent unsolicited mail-in ballot lists, strips voter ID requirements, allows corporations to interfere with our election process, eliminates your ability to verify election resultsand gives power to the politicians not the people!

We cannot let these extreme measures pass.  We have a month to get the truth out to to enough voters to defeat these proposals!

Resources to share online can be found here

Your generous donations will be used to reach as many voters as possible with the truth over the next month, give $10, $35, $100 or more now!

We need to raise $27,950 by Friday to deploy more digital and other strategies to DEFEAT THESE PROPOSALS!

Can we count on you to donate now?

You can Count On Me!

Personal or Corporate funds are acceptable

Thank you for all your support during my campaign for Governor.  The continued support to defeat these ballot proposals, and all the great things we have in store, the best is yet to come. 

Let's keep fighting for America!

To Liberty,

Ryan D. Kelley