Paxton Slams Biden?s Executive Order Designed to Use Taxpayer??
Funds to Aid the Left in Future Elections?
AUSTIN ??Attorney General Paxton has joined a Louisiana-led coalition in sending a letter to Joe Biden demanding that he rescind Executive Order (EO) 14019, which gives federal agencies unprecedented power to influence the electoral process.??
Biden?s EO allows his hand-picked political appointees to direct federal agencies in using taxpayer funds to register voters, distribute vote-by-mail ballots, help voters they?ve chosen to participate in the electoral process, and engage in countless other quasi-electioneering activities at their political appointee?s discretion.???
Further, it gives Biden appointees the ability to select ?approved? third-party organizations that use taxpayer funding to carry out these actions as well. Such a system is ripe for abuse, corruption, and will inevitably lead to significant public funding for the Biden Administration?s political allies.??
?It?s difficult to see how this is anything but a grotesque insult to election integrity, on top of being unconstitutional,? said Attorney General Paxton. ?The Constitution explicitly grants the power of election oversight to state legislatures. Allowing political appointees at federal agencies to use taxpayer dollars to influence election efforts runs afoul of our election laws, basic fairness, and the desperate need for election security.??
The letter closes by plainly describing the true nature of this thinly-veiled power grab: ?In the end, your executive order appears to be a get-out-the-vote effort designed by the Left, to benefit the Left, all paid for by federal taxpayers. It is illegal, unethical, and unconstitutional, and that is why it must be rescinded.??
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