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Hi John,

Amid all the chaos in the news right now, it might be hard to get some peace of mind, to remember just why we care about the countryside so much. Why we’re here in the first place. 

One of those reasons is everywhere around us – lining our country lanes and city pavements. Hedgerows are the patchwork quilt of our landscape, and this week is all about celebrating them. 

From today to next Monday, we, our partners, and your local CPRE group will be sharing content across our channels highlighting the value of our bushy brothers and sisters for wildlife, for the climate, and for the landscapes we know and hold so dear. 

And let’s not beat around the bush - hedgerows are in trouble. We’ve lost half of them since the Second World War, and we desperately need the government to legislate a target that reverses this trend – to kickstart the planting and restoring of hedgerows up and down the country. 

That’s why this week will culminate in the hand-in of our hedgerow petition to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. We’ve already hit our target of over 40,000 signatures, and with your help we can reach the next milestone. 

Thanks for everything you’ve done to support our hedgerows so far. Do read on to find out more about what this week has to offer. 

Celebrate National Hedgerow Week with The Tree Council 


Our partners at The Tree Council have put together a range of ways you can get involved this week, from planting seeds to pledging a hedge, to entering your snaps into Chris Packham’s ‘Hedge of the Year’ competition, launching today. 

The Tree Council have also organised a series of Hedge Talks taking place over the week, including foraging tips, becoming a hedgerow detective and learning more about the cycle of life inside a hedgerow. 

Our story: 95 years of hedgerow campaigning 


Hedgerows aren’t new to our campaigning by any means. For almost a century they’ve been a core concern for CPRE, right back to our founding manifesto. 

And there have been many wins along the way, not least the Hedgerow regulations introduced in 1997, which gave hedgerows statutory protection for the first time. 

Campaigning can take a long time, but it is always worth it. To inspire you for the future, why not check out our story so far. 

Explore this year’s hedgerow hero projects 


Last year, five local CPRE groups received funding to get their fingers green planting and restoring our degraded hedgerow network. Following an outstanding success which saw 80% more hedgerow length planted than predicted, we’re running the programme again this year. Why not check out 2022’s upcoming projects, and see if there’s one near you. 

Discover your local hedgerow wildlife this autumn


Nature spotting is always fun, but have you ever just looked closer to home?  

You don’t need to travel to a wildlife reserve to find beauty – hedgerows are bustling with life, and autumn is a great time to head out and explore.  

Look around and you’ll find berries and nuts aplenty; bats and birds swooping across hedge lines, and small mammals gathering nesting materials and food. This week, check out our spotters guide to your local hedgerow. 

Hedgerow Management for Healthy Hedges – a free talk from a leading hedgerow expert 


On Tuesday 18 October, 6.30 - 8pm, CPRE Hampshire have organised an online talk from hedgerow expert Nigel Adams covering all aspects of hedgerow management, including the life cycle of a hedge, planting, hedgelaying, trimming and a simple methodology to access the condition of any hedge. 

You don’t need to be a hedgelayer to join, so do book your ticket below!

Is your MP a hedgerow hero?


Thanks to thousands of you reaching out to your MPs, we’ve now got 66 Hedgerow Heroes in parliament championing our bushy buddies and the need to expand and restore the hedgerow network across the country! 

Not sure if your MP is one of them? Why not find out below and, if they aren’t - let them know much you’d appreciate them signing up. 

Hedgerow petition hand-in


Our main event of this week is the hand-in of the hedgerow petition outside Defra on Monday morning. Thanks to an incredible level of support, we’ve hit our target of over 40,000 people calling for a hedgerow target in law, but we’re not far off our next milestone. 

Can you add your name this week?

Sign the petition

Donate to support our work


We wouldn’t be able to champion hedgerows without your help. Supporters like you have been instrumental in achieving key campaign wins to date. 

But with a new government that seems to disregard the environment with every new announcement and speech, we’ve got a challenge on our hands. From stopping the government's deregulation drive to making the case for hedgerow protection and expansion – reversing wildlife decline and tackling the climate emergency – we're fighting on all corners right now.  

We know that times are tough right now, but this is a critical time for our countryside and we rely on donations from supporters like you. 

Can you help us by making a donation today?  

We’ll be in touch on Monday when we hand-in our petition and until then, we hope you can get out and enjoy your local hedgerows this week – they're there for all of us. 

All the best, 


Cat Rowland | Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE The countryside charity

green curve