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No one is safe in Crimewave Kathy's New York--not even our candidate for governor Lee Zeldin.

He was already the victim of an attack this summer while campaigning in Rochester, but the violent crime wave literally came to his front door yesterday afternoon. 

While Lee and Diana were campaigning at the Columbus Day parade in the Bronx, their twin daughters, Mikaya and Ariana were home doing their homework. It was like any other fall Sunday for many families. Gunshots rang out just 30 feet from where they were sitting at their kitchen table. Three young men, two of whom were shot were on the Zeldin family home's front lawn, victims of a drive-by. 

The two men were taken to the hospital, and by the grace of God, Lee's daughters were unharmed.  

WATCH: Lee and his family address the shooting that took place right outside their front door at a press conference last night. 

Sadly, these stories are happening all over New York as our state is besieged by a crimewave created by Kathy Hochul and Democrats' dangerous policies. 

Lee has been crisscrossing our state with his message and plan to restore safety to our communities. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: crime is on the ballot this November. It doesn't matter if you live in a city, a suburb like Lee, or a rural community--everyone is being affected by these horrific laws that put criminals' rights ahead of law-abiding citizens. 

It has to STOP but the only way that happens is if we elect Lee Zeldin as governor. We are on a mission to save our state and save lives. This race IS winnable--people are fed up--but Lee needs your help to get his message out. 

Your rush contribution of $20, $50, $75, $100 or ANY AMOUNT will go directly toward FIRING Crimewave Kathy and electing a pro-safety, pro- law enforcement governor Lee Zeldin! 

Thank you!