Published Monday, October 10, 2022


This Wednesday at NOON

Central Oklahoma Home Builders




Our speaker this Wednesday has produced a body of work which will establish him as one of the most important literary figures raised on Oklahoma soil. His work has connected Oklahoma’s history to some of the most profound moments on the global stage.

It is why O.U. academic, Dr. William R. Carmack, called it a masterpiece that “should be required reading for anyone in or from Oklahoma.”

Dr. Carmack went further to say:

John Dwyer is an Oklahoma treasure

Bob Blackburn of the Oklahoma History Center, called it the best Oklahoma history book ever. He said, “Dwyer has dug out the truth in many places where it has not been dug out before.”

John said of The Oklahomans that it is written with a vision “to empower the rising generations … to answer the ringing call sounded forth by one of America’s greatest leaders, President Ronald Reagan:

You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.

~Ronald Reagan, 40th President

On Oklahoma Statehood Day, November 16th, 2016 ...

Oklahomans met an Oklahoma history book like none before.

Now, the long-awaited sequel of post statehood Oklahoma.

Hard and lovely. Violent and tender.

Land of the second, third, and sometimes, last chance.

Feel the scalding flames of Greenwood. Choke on the dustbowl.

Liberate Dachau with the Thunderbirds.

Order a Coke from a lunch counter that won’t serve you.

Brave the Pacific in search of freedom.

Feel the world shake as the Murrah building collapses on you.

Shield your students with your body as an F-5 blows down your school.

Love and defend your state and country as

others hate and seek to destroy them both.



John Dwyer is today's ultimate Oklahoma historian. His twin books are filled with color and art and paintings and photographs. He tells the hard stories, the soft tales and the uplifting history of a new life in a new land with opportunity for tomorrow. John's books are must reads.

~Governor Frank Keating


Bring family and friends to meet a devout Christian who has raised the bar for scholarship in the history classroom.

His books which will be on sale in the lobby.



Central Oklahoma Home Builders

11:00 AM Doors open

11:30 AM Lunch

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting

Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association

420 East Britton Road, OKC, OK 73114




Doors open 11:00 AM


Lunch 11:30 AM

Meeting NOON to 1:15 PM


Optional Lunch: $10


Table of Contents


Avoiding a Great Purge in America


Growing the Foundation


Last Week's luncheon


Fraudulent Origins: Climate Change and Social Credit Scoring


Avoiding a Great Purge in America

Last week, Dr. Robert Reynolds presented perhaps the most vivid, potent, and devastating presentation of the foundations of the WOKE agenda we have ever seen.

Dr. Reynolds painted the grotesque and unfathomably bizarre picture of humanity which the leaders of the revolution against Western Civilization and its Christian foundations are painting for our children in classrooms from K-12 and on through higher education.

The lore of atheism has never so penetrated society as it has done today. These cancerous ideas have infiltrated more than our ideas of what it means to be a member of the human race. These tools of the Marxist revolution are now woven into the very fabric of science, business, entertainment, the family, and the church.

The atheistic foundations of Marxist

ideology is a cancer to culture.

It will destroy entire civilizations whose life-giving blood is found only in Christianity’s ancient veins. Christianity is mankind’s original and enduring pathway to a prosperous and robust life. The ideas of Plato, Marx, and a thousand others who have manufactured frameworks into which to fit mankind and the cosmos represent naïve, unsophisticated, and extraordinarily primitive efforts to defy the original.

The 6,000-year-old history of Christianity dates to the very beginning of time when, in Genesis 1:1, we find the Redeemer of mankind speaking the cosmos into existence.

The Apostle John affirms this in the first chapter of his Gospel when he writes that it was Jesus of whom we read in the first verse of Genesis.

It was Jesus Himself who confirmed that the first five books of the Old Testament were written by a Christian author when he said, “Moses wrote of me.” (John 5:46)

Luke, the great historian and physician, affirms John’s testimony when he writes about the road to Emmaus and reports that, “Beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he (Jesus) interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.” (Luke 24:27) 

Christianity is the very foundation of human thought.

When the prominent Italian philosopher and former president of the Italian Senate, Marcello Pera said, “The apostacy of Christianity is exposing the entire West to the risk of a grave cultural and political crisis, and perhaps even to a collapse of civilization,” he was speaking not of a 2,000-year-old teleology but of one 6,000-years-old. Christianity is the foundation of the cosmos itself and the only guiding light enabling mankind to thrive.

As a way to round out the sweeping nature of the Marxist assault on the world, I am including some notes from Dr. Joseph Arminio below.

 Dr. Arminio is a colleague from Virginia with a comprehensively conservative think tank.

His comments supplement last week’s presentation by Dr. Reynolds.

He finds other equally bizarre propositions introduced in the effort to overthrow civilization as we know it.

Those who are fomenting revolution against the West have sought to penetrate every crevice of human culture.

This coming Wednesday, the OCPAC luncheon will welcome an Oklahoma treasure. John Dwyer has ascended to the top of Sooner literary achievement through his novels and his work wedding Oklahoma history to its significance on the world stage.

Governor Frank Keating said of Dwyer:

He is today’s ultimate Oklahoma Historian

Bring your family, your friends, and your pastor!

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

Thank you for your activism.


I'll see you this Wednesday's luncheon!

11:00 AM Doors open

11:30 AM Lunch

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting

Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association

420 East Britton Road, OKC, OK 73114

God bless!


OCPAC Foundation now has its own EIN, Bank Account, and the Board of Directors will be meeting next week to finalize the budget for 2023.

Our goal is to raise $300,000 this FALL to get OCPAC Foundations’ first year of operations on a full-time basis off on solid footing.

Several of you have asked about GIVING TO OCPAC Foundation ONLINE. Thanks to the hard work of Mary Alsobrook (Treasurer), Joseph Palmer (Communications), Kurt Vanderwater (Website), Bob Linn (Ex. Director), and our entire Board of Directors, we should have our NEW WEBSITE UP ( up and running very soon with the ability for you to give online.

Remember, all donations to OCPAC Foundation are Tax-Deductible 501 (c) (3) charitable giving.

Our goal is to educate the citizens of Oklahoma – all across the state – on the importance of maintaining our Constitutional and Christian principles in the cultural, political, and familial circles of our state and nation.

Our great speakers, including this week’s John Dwyer (author of The Oklahomans I and II, The Civil War, and a host of other outstanding books) help us fulfill our mission. Plan on coming to the upcoming OCPAC Foundation meeting!

Thank you for your support!

Make your checks payable to OCPAC Foundation.

All donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE, and there is no limit to the amount. OCPAC Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.


We have not seen a more complete explanation of the core issues of Critical Race Theory. Dr. Reynolds explained how so many people in our culture are able to consider it both normal and reasonable for a man to say, "I am a woman trapped in a man's body."

This is a must-see for pastors, teachers, and leaders in all facets of society.



Dr. Joseph Arminio is an associate of Bob Linn and a guest columnist.  He has a Ph.D. from M.I.T. and is the founder of The Coalition for America's Resurgence here.

The Fraudulent Origins of Climate

Change and Social Credit Scoring

The climate-change (global-warming) alarmists have redoubled their efforts of late. More on these efforts below. What is the immediate occasion of these efforts? Most likely, it is to legitimize the pending enforcement of “social credit scoring” in the United States. The idea is to score Americans for what they purchase and invest in. 

If we don’t score properly--if we are not “woke”—if, first and foremost, we don’t turn our backs on the supposedly evil and destructive, fossil-fuel energy—then we will be denied credit! (Scores would also be determined by one’s stance vis-à-vis such organizations as Black Lives Matter and the World Health Organization.)

On September 14, the UN Secretary General Antonio Gutterres, addressed the UN General Assembly in New York, saying “betrayal and injustice” characterize the global climate-change response. We are, he insisted, falling far short of mitigating climate change and global warming.

 A great many Americans are wont to ignore shrill cries going up from the UN. This time is different. This time such cries are being backed up by very imposing forces from above and below.

Six years ago, we caught a glimpse of the trouble that the climate-change movement has planned for us now. A school board in Portland, Oregon passed what appears to have been the first “climate-justice” resolution, requiring their school district to "abandon the use of any adopted text material that is found to express doubt about the severity of the climate crisis or its roots in human activity."

It is unlikely that the Portland school board acted alone. Perhaps, this agitation was meant to be a test bed. Perhaps, it laid the seed for the anarchy that rocked the city four years later.

One year ago, the radical Aspin Institute, overseer of a vast, far-flung network of opinion shapers and leaders, launched a nation-wide, climate-change mongering program for grades K-12, which goes by the name of K-12 Climate Action. This year, the NEA top leadership declared their allegiance to K-12 Climate Action and called on its membership of 3 million teachers to fall into line with Aspin, as well.

Seemingly marching in step with the public-education and Aspin climate shock troops is the most influential sector in the global economy or, at any rate, important elements in that sector.

This sector is that of private central banking.

The owners of private central banks, because they control the currencies of the advanced economies, accumulate prodigious, unmatched profits with which they can intervene in political affairs. Evidently, some of these owners, if not all of them or nearly all of them, are pushing social credit scoring.

A massive coalition of US and offshore banks—powerful “global banks” (and many lesser banks)--is poised to enforce social credit scoring.

This coalition calls itself the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF).

BlackRock Investment Fund leads the PACF. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink sits both on the board of the World Economic Forum (the face of private central banking world-wide) and has become the evident (and essentially unregulated) executor of the Federal Reserve System (this country’s private central banking system).

As of this writing, the PCAF boasts of having under management approximately $21.5 trillion in US assets or a sum approximating to the entire US Gross Domestic Product! The PCAF manages upwards of $60 trillions in offshore funds, to boot.

What should Americans do in the face of the climate-change alarmists and their enforcers that are about to crash down upon us? To begin with ...

We must fight back with the most

powerful resources at our disposal

the truth and inquisitivity!

Here is one of the foundational truths that we should share, at once and with everyone we know. The climate-change movement is founded upon a rigged, arbitrary computer simulation that was concocted fifty years ago, in 1972.

The Club of Rome, which was, in a sense, the forerunner of the World Economic Forum, and which was founded in 1968, oversaw the simulation called “World 3.”

World 3 assumed—it provided no hard evidence for its assumption—that technology would no longer be able to keep up with the needs (eg, adequate anti-pollution measures) of economic growth.

Thus, mankind was headed for a global cataclysm; we would, among other things, poison ourselves, unless we throttled modern (fossil-fuel-based) economic growth.

Here is another foundational truth to share. Regardless of the emptiness of World 3, its findings were pushed and pushed and pushed, such that a colossal, world-wide momentum and group-think emerged. 

Here is yet a third foundational truth to share.

The result of the aforementioned momentum and group-think was the horror of a plan, known as UN Agenda 21.

Unveiled in 1992, UN Agenda 21 called for the end of economic growth as we have known it and for the micromanagement and draconian regulation of all human activity, in the name of environmentalism—all this by approximately the year 2050.

In 2015, UN Agenda 21 was renamed UN Agenda 2030. Other “refinements” of the latter include UN Agenda 2050 and Vision 2050. 

And wither inquisitivity? Ask everyone you know this question: Could it be that social credit scoring is one of the top means by which Americans (and foreigners) are to be brought into line with UN Agenda 2030 or its variation?

It goes without saying that Americans need to examine the science of climate.

The Heartland Institute and, for instance, have conducted able investigations into climate, and do not find in favor of climate change nor global warming. There are other think tanks, including the in-house think tank at Aspin, that claim the climate is gravely deteriorating.

But, the first thing to do is to grasp the acute politization of science, beginning with the irresponsible “World 3” simulation and the long-term, colossal promotion of its empty findings.

Ultimately, it can be shown that the climate change movement (promoted by the UN, Aspin, the NEA and various allies) as well as social credit scoring, is based on fiction, down to today.

It is one thing to insist that technology, including anti-pollution measures, keep pace with economic growth. It is altogether another thing to give up on and enforce the giving up on economic growth, for no good reason.

Never were the words of Hosea 4:6 so foreboding, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Let us seek out relevant knowledge about climate and social credit scoring quickly. And share what we find quickly and with everyone. 

Editor’s Note: Joseph Arminio, PhD is the Founder of The Coalition for America’s Resurgence. The Coalition’s website address is This populist, authentic conservative, coalition tackles the supreme issue (ie, control of the currency, banking and debt) and tackles all other issues in the light of the supreme issue.

To learn more about the Club of Rome’s computer simulation, World 3, view his video “The Latest Global Warming Rant and The First Thing Patriots Should Do in Response,” found on his Rumble channel, “America Resurgent with Dr Joe Arminio,” here.

OCPAC FOUNDATION is a 501 (c) (3).

Gifts are tax-deductible.

Bring your checkbook this Wednesday!

Make your tax-deductible donation