Take action for social, economic and racial justice in California


Dear Friend --

In 2019, ACCE played a critical role in securing the largest expansion of tenant protections in recent US history through passing the Tenant Protection Act of 2019. Not only that, but we expanded rent control to millions in unincorporated LA County, helped pass dozens of eviction moratoriums, organized alongside tenants across the state stopping countless evictions and huge rent increases AND put almost a dozen homes into land trusts making them permanently affordable. We took on the corporate landlord lobby and big real estate and we WON.

We couldn’t have done it without you, and we are so deeply grateful for your support to help make it happen.. Fight after fight, you’ve helped us stand up time and time again to achieve economic and racial justice, from the bottom up.

But as amazing as 2019 was, we’ve got even bigger campaigns to fight displacement and make corporations pay their fair share on the horizon. In 2020 we’re gearing up to win $12 billion in investment for schools and communities, to fully implement the Tenant Protection Act, enforcing the rights of 8 million new renters and so much more. ,

Help ACCE win big on economic and racial justice in 2020!

As 2019 closes, we can look back with pride on our work. It’s clear that we can hold corporations accountable for their actions, and we will do it again!
We can’t stop here. We won’t stop here. The future of our community depends on bold action from each of us.

So before the year ends…. This critical work by ACCE is only possible with your help. Every day we knock on doors and bring more people into the fight for our future. We train community leaders by the hundreds. We mount strategic campaigns to win policies and programs that brings is every day closer to making California a state in which ALL people, no matter their income, race, gender or zip code, can thrive.

Help ACCE fight displacement and win big for our communities in 2020 - join now! !

In solidarity,

Christina Livingston
ACCE Action


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