From ACT For America <[email protected]>
Subject The Pandemic was a Grand Rehearsal for the Great Reset
Date October 10, 2022 3:41 AM
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By Janet Levy 
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Fear is the key to obtaining compliance.  And by obtaining mass
compliance during the pandemic, the global elite — operating through
political leaders, international bodies, NGOs, and a vast network of
"experts" and bureaucrats — audaciously tested ground for the Great
Reset.  "Populations have overwhelmingly shown a willingness to make
sacrifices," said Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum
(WEF).  "The changes we have seen in response to COVID-19 prove that
a reset of our economic and social foundations is possible."

In his new book The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent
Lockdown, Marc Morano lays bare how "15 days to slow the spread" was
actually "15 days to begin your conditioning to accept a new level of
tyranny."  He shows how the agenda was set decades before the
pandemic and was given momentum during the post-9/11 War on Terror.
 The signs of long preparation for the Great Reset are now quite
evident.  Morano lists them, connecting the dots.

The goal was global governance, carbon taxes, the empowerment of
unelected bureaucrats, and the stringent regulation of all human
endeavors.  The gospel according to the WEF promises people that "you
will own nothing, and you will be happy."  In Schwab's
characterization of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, our physical,
digital, and biological identities will fuse into one.  And in the
interest of equity and inclusivity, we will sacrifice property,
privacy, and liberty, remaining dependent on and therefore under the
control of governments.  Meanwhile, the global elite will wrest
ownership of, and power over, everything.  Hundreds of billionaire
businessmen, influential financiers, and world leaders are on board
with this project.

Morano believes that post-9/11, with the expansion of government
powers through the PATRIOT Act, the so-called Global War on Terror
(GWOT) evolved into a war against the populations of Western
democracies.  Ironically, this war on Islamists produced
authoritarian police states that curtailed any criticism of jihadist
aspects of Islam, prohibited training of agents on Islamic doctrine,
welcomed Muslim Brotherhood operatives into government, and insisted
that "Islam is a religion of peace."

Along with that, leftist and anarchist ideas were injected into
governments and corporations via hordes of indoctrinated youths from
the humanities departments of universities.  ESG (environment, social
justice, governance) and DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) became the
shibboleths du jour.  In place of a robust, competitive, and
meritocratic capitalism, "stakeholder" capitalism was ushered in.
 This is aimed at eliminating small and medium businesses,
consolidating the market in the hands of a few corporations, which, in
symbiosis with governments, will control people.  Managers, so-called
experts, and bureaucrats will become powerful.  But controlling them
all will be billionaire financiers and their investment firms.

 Morano identifies the institutions and individuals behind the Great
Reset: the WEF, the U.N., the European Central Bank, the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development, the International Monetary
Fund, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group
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the Trilateral Commission, George Soros, Bill Gates, King Charles, Big
Tech, union leaders, NGOs, and others.

During the pandemic, the merging of government and corporate power
proved a major threat to individual liberty.  To "overcome the
limits" of data privacy, Schwab had proposed "public-private
data-sharing agreements" in his 2018 book Shaping the Future of the
Fourth Industrial Revolution.  He also proudly promotes merging man
and machine, with implantable computers to assess how people feel and
react.  Unsurprisingly, the WEF "Global Risks Report 2019" says:
"Authoritarianism is easier in a world of total visibility and
traceability while democracy may turn out to be more difficult."


Perhaps not so coincidentally, in 2019, the WEF had cohosted Event
201, a simulated fictional pandemic that included lockdowns, masking,
and free speech suppression.  It visualized 65 million deaths,
necessitating a global response from governments, international
organizations, and global businesses.  As if mirroring that, since
the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been endless emergency declarations,
massive government spending, debt, runaway inflation, supply chain
problems, an increase in crime, food shortages, skyrocketing energy
prices, oppressive censorship, travel restrictions, limits on freedom
of movement, and reduction in privacy.

Similar scenario analyses and simulations were also conducted by the
Rockefeller Foundation in 2010 (documented in The Scenarios for the
Future of Technology and International Development, a section of which
bears the infamous title "Lock Step"), and in 2018 by the WEF and the
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, called Clade X, visualizing
millions of deaths, economic collapse, and societal upheaval.
 Lockdowns and masking mandates were part of all three prescient test

The actual COVID-19 lockdown was nothing short of the suspension of
democracy.  Public health bureaucrats and expert overrode
parliamentary debate to end constitutional rights to movement,
association, earning a living, getting an education, and worshiping.
 Answering those who wanted to know the truth about the pandemic, Dr
Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the U.S. president, even
arrogated to himself a stand for all of science, saying, "Attacks on
me are an attack on science."  "The Science" — meaning the version
promoted by governments and world bodies — was used to promote
authoritarian measures.


Lies were peddled freely.  Hospitals jacked up the numbers of COVID
patients and deaths, incentivized by the Congressional Coronavirus
Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act authorizing more funds
for hospitals with corona patients.  Dr. Thomas T. Siler noted that,
"[a]ccording to the Centers for Disease Control, only 6% of those who
died with Covid-19 had no other pre-existing health conditions, while
94% had an average of four health conditions already affecting them."

If the dominant narrative was questioned, the entity doing the
questioning was suppressed as "misinformation" by means of the "cancel
culture."  The mainstream media and Big Tech groups controlling
social media were complicit in this exercise, becoming enforcers for
the WHO, the CDC, and other health bureaucracies.  YouTube, for
example, removed 800,000 videos allegedly containing coronavirus
misinformation in one year, while Twitter challenged 11.5 million
accounts when COVID guidance was implemented, and Instagram removed 1
million pieces of COVID "misinformation" in three months.


Billionaire wealth reached record highs — one of the greatest wealth
transfers in history, which will only accelerate as a digital currency
is set up and a China-style social scoring system is implemented.
 Small business, meanwhile, is being decimated.  Through the
economic collapse, unemployment, and inflation caused by the pandemic,
a dependency regime of handouts is being created to wipe out
competitiveness and the push for excellence in the name of equity.

Morano also sees the COVID lockdowns and mandates as a gift to climate
activists, who are noting with glee that it could serve as a model for
future climate lockdowns, which they think the public will meekly
comply with.  Absurd as it might seem, actress Jane Fonda claimed
that the melting Arctic ice is releasing pathogens to which humans are
not immune, a doctor in British Columbia diagnosed a patient as
suffering from "climate change," and Lancet Planetary Health advocated
putting "climate change" as a valid cause on death certificates.

If you think those are random exaggerations, consider what Mariana
Mazzucato, a WHO and U.N. adviser funded by George Soros, the Ford
Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and others, wrote in "Avoiding
a Climate Lockdown
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an ultimatum for inaction on the "climate emergency."  Time magazine,
in its April 2021 issue, claimed that the pandemic has given the E.U.
the perfect opportunity to remake its economic agenda with "climate at
the core."  It celebrated the COVID lockdown as a model for climate
lockdowns.  And in 2022, House Democrats urged Biden to transition
from the COVID emergency to a "climate emergency."

Morano concludes his book with ideas for a Great Reject, through
resistance.  He suggests a series of reforms to limit executive
emergency powers.  He also calls for a vigilant public to defy
irrational mandates, while urging the Republicans — champions of
individual freedom and limited government — to rise to the occasion
and uphold those principles.  When fear is used as a weapon, people
must choose fearlessness.

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