Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

October 9, 2022

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In Search of Monsters Season Premier
Naming the Crisis

Featuring historians Jackson Lears, Robin D.G. Kelly, & Helen Thompson
Quincy Institute & Radio Open Source, 10/6/22

We're back this week for season two of "In Search of Monsters"--our podcast in partnership with Radio Open Source with Christopher Lydon. In the season premier-- "Naming the Crisis"-- we turn to three historians to diagnose the roots of the multi-faceted crisis the world finds itself in. 

This season we are also premiering a short that will air alongside each podcast and feature a member of Quincy Institute. This week in "Understanding Russia" Grand Strategy Director George Beebe discusses the question of why President Putin is not following the script the West has written for him.

LISTEN HERE (Naming the Crisis)
 (Understanding Russia)


Paths of Dissent

Interview with Andrew Bacevich, President
Parallax Views, 10/3/22

The stories of veterans who have spoken out against the war show General William Tecumseh Sherman's famous adage that "War is Hell" to be both true and insufficient.


Iranian Government Cracks Down on Protests Following Woman’s Death

Interview with Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
CBS News, 10/5/22

The Iranian regime has been trying to stamp out protests across the country, sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini in September while in police custody. 


Why Governments Go Off the Rails
By Stephen Walt, Non-Resident Fellow
Foreign Policy, 10/7/22

Even well-meaning leaders can make disastrous policy decisions.


No Blob, We Are Not ‘Already Fighting’ World War III
By Anatol Lieven, Eurasia Director
Responsible Statecraft, 10/3/22

These Washington foreign policy elites are recklessly suggesting that Russia is a universal threat that requires absolute victory over evil.


Why Elon Musk is Right
By George Beebe, Director of Grand Strategy
Responsible Statecraft, 10/4/22

Don’t kill the messenger, but listen: America’s approach to this tragic war in Ukraine requires an urgent if not creative adjustment.


Saudi Arabia’s ‘Hostile Act’ Proves Biden Critics Right — And His Advisers Very Wrong
By Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
MSNBC, 10/6/22

Here's further proof Biden should have stuck to his instincts and declined to visit Saudi Arabia earlier this year.


Burkina Faso Coup: Another Example of the West’s Military-First Failures
By Alex Thurston, Non-Resident Fellow
Responsible Statecraft, 10/5/22

The situation in the Sahel lurches from bad to worse and everyone loses except for the narrow ruling cliques that hold top offices.



Trump Tell-All Cites Adelson’s Bankrolled Israel Embassy Move by Senior Advisor Eli Clifton, Responsible Statecraft, 10/7/22

Demands for Peace Talks Intensify as Biden Says Putin Nuclear Threats Risk 'Armageddon' by Jake Johnson/ Quoted: Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven, Common Dreams, 10/7/22

Diplomacy Watch: Calls for Negotiations Grow as Russia Threatens Nuclear Use by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 10/7/22

RADIO: On Nuclear Escalation in Ukraine, Interview with Anatol Lieven, CBS Eye on the World with John Batchelor, 10/6/22

As Ukraine War Falters, Russians Ask a Risky Question: Could Putin Fall? by Robyn Dixon/ Quoted: Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven, Washington Post, 10/6/22

Dems Propose Full Withdrawal from Saudi Arabia, UAE After ‘Hostile Act’ From OPEC by Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 10/6/22

The World Survived the Cold War Because It Feared Nuclear War by Branko Marcetic, Interview with Grand Strategy Director George Beebe, Jacobin, 10/6/22

PODCAST: As Ukraine War Escalates, New Poll Finds Americans Want US to Pursue Talks to End the Conflict, Interview with Grand Strategy Director George Beebe, Between The Lines with Scott Harris, 10/5/22

A Barrier of Fear Has Been Broken in Iran. The Regime May Be at a Point of No Return by Jomana Karadsheh and Tamara Qiblawis/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, CNN, 10/5/22

‘We Impose These Things and Then That’s It’: McGovern Tears Into U.S. sanctions policy by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 10/5/22

Young People Want to Cut Defense Budget, End Arms Sales to Israel and Saudi Arabia: Poll by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 10/5/22

Despite Calls for Diplomacy to End War, US Confirms More Weapons Headed to Ukraine by Brett Wilkins/ Quoted: Quincy Institute, Common Dreams, 10/4/22

North Korea Closer to Testing a Nuke by Junior Research Fellow James Park, Responsible Statecraft, 10/4/22

Why You Can't Understand Iran in 2022 Without Understanding 1978 by Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, MSNBC, 10/4/22

TELEVISION: Ukraine Reports Wins Against Russia in Territories Moscow Says It Annexed, Interview with Grand Strategy Director George Beebe, CBS News, 10/3/22

TELEVISION: What's Next in Ukraine, Interview with Grand Strategy Director George Beebe, Fox 5, 10/3/22

Biden Poised to Get Big Middle East Win in Lebanon-Israel Maritime Border Dispute by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 10/3/22

The War in Ukraine Could Lead to Nuclear War by Branko Marcetic, Interview with Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven, Jacobin, 10/3/22


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