Happy Holidays!

Dear John,

​We hope you're enjoying a safe, relaxing holiday season.

We've had an amazing year. Our membership is steadily growing, and so is our impact as we develop relationships across the city. We're having conversations with community organizations, youth, and everyday riders about what Muni means to them and how a real network of rapid routes could change people's lives.

We are looking forward to 2020, and we have our work cut out for us. We need to hold SFMTA accountable for reliable, frequent, safe, easy-to-use, and always growing Muni service. But Muni doesn't operate in a vacuum. We also need to engage the rest of the city - city hall, community leaders, business leaders, merchants, residents, transit riders - to support excellent public transit.

Some of our key goals for the new year are:

  • Grow our engagement of riders and members in campaigns and policy discussions. 
  • Expand our community organizing work, across the city, to bring all riders to the table.
  • Build stronger alliances with community organizations of all stripes to build broad support for public transit.

This is a great time to become a member, to make sure we end 2019 stronger than ever so we can take on 2020!

What being a member means:

  • Priority invitations to special events, conversations, and behind-the-scenes tours
  • An invitation to our members-only google group, to join the discussion and ask all your questions about all things transit in San Francisco
  • ​You're a key part of the growing pro-transit movement - and for a limited time, you get thank-you gifts!

​$25: 1 year SFTR membership AND lapel pin
$50: above, PLUS t-shirt
​$75: above, PLUS 2020 Streetcar Calendar courtesy of Market Street Railway
$100: above, PLUS a Chris Arvin transit poster

We need everyone on board to win transit improvements on our city streets; to secure increased funding to serve today's riders; and to continue to expand Muni to better serve future riders, so folks can leave their cars behind. We need to keep growing our membership to make this happen.

I hope you'll join us today!


Cat Carter
Acting Executive Director

p.s. As of this writing, we have just over $4,000 left to raise to reach our goal of $30,000. This goal will enable us to match grant funding and expand our staff, so we can dig in to the long hard work of organizing a movement.

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
