You're Invited To St. Louis Young Republicans FreedomFest BBQ Sunday, October 9 | 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Lunch Served at 11:30 AM
St. Louis County GOP Headquarters
794 Gravois Bluffs Blvd, Fenton, MO 63026
Special Guests and Speakers
Congresswoman Ann Wagner
Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft
State Senator Andrew Koenig
State Representative
Mary Elizabeth Coleman (SD-22)
Ben Brown (SD-26)
Holly Jones (HD-88)
Attorney General Eric Schmitt (U.S. Senate Candidate)
State Senator Bill Eigel (SD-23)
State Representative Jim Murphy (HD-94)
State Representative
Nick Schroer (SD-2)
Dr. George Hruza (SD-24)
LaVanna Wrobley (HD-99)
Masters of Ceremony NewsTalk STL's Tim Jones & Chris Arps