From Nonprofit Quarterly <>
Subject Meet Our Writers
Date December 26, 2019 4:10 PM
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** Meet Your NPQ Newswire Writers ([link removed][UNIQID])

NPQ’s newswire writers work hard every week to make sure you, our readers, are up to date with the news that matters for your nonprofit practice. These tireless souls volunteer their time and talent with you in mind—so now it’s your turn to get to know them!

Our writers come from across the country and all over the sector, merging their insight and enthusiasm into a creative stream that fuels the work of readers everywhere. They’re supportive, highly informed, and hopeful about the civic sector’s ability to promote democracy, equity, and justice. They love writing, and they read nonprofit research for fun. Most importantly, they pay attention to how they can improve the sector they love.

Please feel free, as you are reading these profiles, to donate to support NPQ in a newswire writer’s honor or in support of the tireless work of the newswire writers ([link removed][UNIQID]) . The amount of sweat equity they have contributed deserves your tribute. Make sure that you dedicate the contribution in the note section of the donation form.

Let’s meet a few of them… ([link removed][UNIQID])
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